Friday, May 8, 2009

how to tell if your goldfish is female or male ?

The way that I tell is by looking at their vent, where the poo comes out. If it sticks out a little bit then its a girl, if it doesn't or goes in a little bit then its a boy. You don't have to wait until they are ready to breed to tell this way.
all male fish are smaller then the females
Firstly, sexing young and juvenile goldfish is virtually impossible, you have to wait until the fish reach breeding age (usually one year old).

Secondly, sexing adult goldfish out of the breeding season is difficult, because the sexually distinguishing features only develop during the breeding season (in the spring time). That said, females may be deeper in the body than males.

For more information, check out the website below!
check to see if it has vagina or penis.

how to tell if my fish is dieing?

i have a pacu and i changed the water and he was fine the he started breathing real fast and swiming real slow and all of a sudden he is letting other fish push him around am i loseing him
Did you put chlorinated water in there?
it sounds like it, thats the way my fish usually act before they die
Heartless I know, but if you sit back and watch a good indictor is them turning over and floating on the top.
u know what.last week my cute little fish died n it acted the same way b4 dyin.
You are. Maybe you should head to the pet shop and get a new pacu!
Yes, that is the result of your fish dying. Just don't take it too hard.
You should not be changing more then 25% of the water every week. If you are not letting the water stand overnight for the chlorine to evaporate, you should be adding a tap water conditioner. You should also make sure that then new water is the same temperature as the tank. Anything else will cause a great deal of stress to the fish and the beneficial bacteria living in the tank. If your fish are showing too much stress, don't feed them for a couple of days and change a very small amount of the water daily (10%).
when doing water changes only change 25% once a week, be sure to remove all chlorine and chemicals and to have it at the right temp for the tank. Try seperating the pacu into another tank and maybe raising the temp to the upper 70s there are tons of medicine to treat illnesses that may help also extra air stone may help.

how to tell if goldfish are pregnant?

and do they lay eggs or babies
Goldfish are egg layers not livebearers.
The female lays the eggs in a cluster and the male fertilizes them by swimming over them and releasing sperm.
During breeding season, the male goldfish will develop tiny lumps behind the gills called tubercles. This signifies he is ready to fertilize eggs.
Female goldfish that are pregnant will have a very distended abdomen and will look very fat. After a few days they will lay the eggs. Once the eggs hatch the parents and other fish in the tank will not tend to the fry and in some cases will readily eat them, so they have to be separated from the young.
They swim upside down so the eggs dont fall out
lay eggs.
trust me, your goldfish is not pregnant. they are very hard to breed, and they dont lay eggs in captivity normally, unless an expert breeds them. if you want a fish to have babies, get a few mollies(tropical fish). you will need a big tank, heater and filter though for the fish to live.
They also give up smoking and drinking and have strange food cravings like pickled onions. You may notice they start buying tiny little goldfish bootys and painting the spare room. They should avoid foods like pate and liver etc.
Fish don't "get pregnant." The female lays eggs.

A bloated goldfish is either overfed (fat, to be more blunt) or sick/bloated. Or both. Don't overfeed the poor thing.
I dont think u can tell, but try looking in the bottom of the tank/bowl and if you see some gooey wiggly transperent thing it may be eggs.
She orders pizza with extra anchovies and eats pickles with icecream. :)
They start craving and eating weird things that they normally would not bother with;)

if ur gold fish is fatter then usual then shes pregnant and they lay eggs.probably shes not cause its hard to breed them and they don't lay eggs in captivity
They wear maternity clothes.
Goldfish don't get pregnant. If the conditions are right, the female lays the eggs and then male then fertilises them with their sperm around the fishtank. The eggs that will would hatch are opaque, the clear ones are infertile. If this happens, remove the eggs and house them in there own little fish tank, as the adult fish will eat them thinking they are food.
Goldfish don't get pregnant, they are egg layers.

I couldn't tell either time that my female was full of eggs. They can get a little bigger but you can only tell by looking at them from the top down. And it's not hard at all to breed goldfish, both times they did it all on their own and they live in a tank. I actually had to separate them cause I don't want them to breed anymore.
yourl know when you have extra fish in your tank!!
Most fish, including goldfish do not carry live young - only the eggs.
It is well known to be extremely difficult to breed your own goldfish and even if yours did lay eggs there is very little chance of any of them hatching.
They change their eating habits..they'll eat coal, chalk, etc. You'll find them at the fridge bingeing in the middle of the night when they ought to be asleep. A padlock would be best.
i wouldnt say your goldfish is pregnant its hard to breed them
the female will look larger when viewed from the top and they lay eggs usually on the leaves of the plants , if you have snails in the tank ,you wont get any babies as the snails eat the eggs..
can end up with 3-4 out of 30 eggs if your lucky..
they do breed in tanks as i have bred them
because they sttopping moving aaround that quick then you can tell wjats wrong with them answer me this question do you like fish ?
Well if they are yours then did you put opposite sexes together? if you did then they may behave uncharacteristicallly for a few weeks, trying to make a nest and gather food, that sort of stuff, so check them carefully for sighns of enlargement and random eggs dropping out
They get fat and produce eggs, then the rest of the fish
will eat them ! well, thats my experience, I will be looking
at your replys wiv interest !!
Morning sickness
you could tell that the female has a dark colored bell called gravid spot. that is where the 'eggs' are. thay lay eggs

How to tell how many gallons and fish tank is?

I`m lookng to get a fish and i need to know how many gallon my fish tank is is there and way to tell.
Here is the information on tank sizes their gallons and the weight if filled with water. I have it on a land hermit crab site for when we find a tank and not sure of the gallon size.

Small Aquariums
(not recommended for beginners)
Size L x W x H Filled Weight
2 1/2 gallon 12 3/16 x 6 1/8 x 8 1/8 27 lbs
5 gallon 16 3/16 x 8 3/8 x 10 1/2 62 lbs
10 gallon Leader 20 1/4 x 10 1/2 x 12 9/16 111 lbs
15 gallon High 20 1/4 x 10 1/2 x 18 3/4 170 lbs
20 gallon X-High 20 1/4 x 10 1/2 x 23 3/4 232 lbs
10 gallon Long 24 1/4 x 8 1/2 x 12 5/8 116 lbs
15 gallon Show 24 1/4 x 8 1/2 x 16 5/8 170 lbs

Mid-sized Aquariums
Size L x W x H Filled Weight
15 gallon 24 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 12 3/4 170 lbs
20 gallon High 24 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 16 3/4 225 lbs
25 Gallon 24 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 20 3/4 282 lbs
30 X-High 24 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 24 3/4 340 lbs
20 gallon Long 30 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 12 3/4 225 lbs
29 gallon 30 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 18 3/4 330 lbs
37 gallon 30 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 22 3/4 415 lbs
26 Flatback 36 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 16 5/8 300 lbs
23 Long 36 1/4 x 12 5/8 x 13 253 lbs
30 Gallon 36 1/4 x 12 5/8 x 16 3/4 343 lbs
38 Gallon 36 1/4 x 12 5/8 x 19 3/4 427 lbs
45 Gallon 36 1/4 x 12 5/8 x 23 3/4 515 lbs
30 gallon Breeder 36 3/16 x 18 1/4 x 12 15/16 348 lbs
40 gallon Breeder 36 3/16 x 18 1/4 x 16 15/16 458 lbs

Large Aquariums
Size L x W x H Filled Weight
50 gallon 36 7/8 x 19 x 19 5/8 600 lbs
65 gallon 36 7/8 x 19 x 24 5/8 775 lbs
33 gallon Long 48 1/4 x 12 3/4 x 12 7/8 382 lbs
40 gallon Long 48 1/4 x 12 3/4 x 16 7/8 455 lbs
45 gallon Long 48 1/4 x 12 3/4 x 19 510 lbs
55 Gallon 48 1/4 x 12 3/4 x 21 625 lbs
60 Gallon 48 3/8 x 12 7/8 x 23 7/8 710 lbs
80 X-High 48 7/8 x 14 x 30 3/4 990 lbs
75 gallon 48 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 21 3/8 850 lbs
90 gallon 48 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 25 3/8 1050 lbs
110 X-High 48 7/8 x 19 x 30 3/4 1320 lbs
120 Gallon 48 1/2 x 24 1/4 x 25 1/2 1400 lbs
100 Gallon 72 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 19 3/8 1150 lbs
125 gallon 72 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 23 3/8 1400 lbs
150 gallon 72 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 28 1/2 1800 lbs
180 Gallon 72 1/2 x 24 1/2 x 25 5/8 2100 lbs

Hexagon tanks L x W x H Filled Weight
10 Hexagon 14 1/2 x 12 9/16 x 18 3/4 110 lbs
20 Hexagon 18 3/4 x 16 1/4 x 20 5/8 220 lbs
35 Hexagon 23 1/4 x 20 3/16 x 24 3/4 390 lbs
60 Hexagon 27 1/4 x 24 1/8 x 29 1/2 750 lbs

Metric conversions of tank length, to nearest centimeter:
inches centimeters
8 1/4 21
12 3/16 31
13 5/8 35
16 3/16 41
20 1/4 51
24 1/4 62
30 1/4 77
36 7/8 94
48 录 123
48 7/8 124
72 1/2 184
you can figure out the cubic footage by measuring and convert it. or pour in gallon by gallon of water. I like option one better myself.
measure the dimensions of the tank, and llook up in the internet "(your measurements) fish tank" and see if any results for water capacity come up.
remember 1st the larger the tank the larger the fish grows. 2nd ask a pet store. 3rd it is written on the tank how many gallons. set your mind as to what tye of fish you prefer and take it from there.
1.Get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil along with a measuring tape.
2. measure the length and record it clearly on your paper
3. measure the width and record it clearly on your paper
4. measure the height and record it clearly on your paper

then search the net for fishtanks as if to purchase when you see one that has your measurements the advert will tell you the gallons (saves you the maths.);.
Read the answers.
It depends on the size of the tank ,Like I have a 45 gallon tank
Let me make it really easy on you. Measure the tank height, width, and depth in inches. Let's say we use a tank with the measurements 48x18x20. Multiply the numbers together. (48x18x20=17,280). Now, divide by 231. 17,280 divided by 231= 74.805 which you round up and say you have a 75g tank.

So, LxWxD divided by 231= volume of your fish tank.

how to take out terror crabs which hiding in the live rock ~~!!?

this terror crabs has killed my sea horse..~~!!

crabs come with the live rock and they even breeding inside, so my tank getting dangerous for others invertebles..

i coulnt catch them (tried so many times but they are too furies and fast hidden crab) ..
set a trap

there are several ways to do it. basically you need a trap and bait. They make crab traps and fish traps available at any good fish store. Both will work for you or you can make your own with a fishnet, fishing line,small rubber band and bait.

I take a medium sized to large sized net and put the bait in the bottom.

then I grab the net just above the bait and take the rubber band and tie off the bait. this will make a net bag inside the net that becomes your bait bag that the crab will be drawn too. The idea is to let animals come to the bait but not be able to get it.

I then tie some fishing line to the 4 corners of the net. I then use those lines to control my trap from outside the tank.

If you can stop feeding your aquarium or at least cut way back on feeding for at least 4 days.

Now that the crab is hungry drop your trap into the water next to where you think he is and wait (sometimes helps to turn off the aquarium lights so the tank is dark but do this while the sun is up so you can see into the tank. I tend to do this in the morning before the the lights would normally come on).

You shouldn't have to wait long the first time you do this. He will most likely come out of the rocks within 5 minutes and head strait for the trap. If you miss the first time you will have to wait longer the next time, often a lot longer.

Once he is in the trap and trying to get to the food, you hual the net up slow at first but pull fast if he starts to move out of the net. good to have another net handy to scoop him up if he gets out of the trap on the way up. Most of the crabs don't really swim but fall slowly.

You will want to get a hand on him as soon as you can. Careful, they can pinch you and it can hurt. Try using the net to tangle them so make sure you have a big enough net to have some tangle in it. You can bend the rim of the net to different shapes to help you. The handle can be removed as long as doing so won't make the rim of the net come apart. if the handle is a twisted wire one you can cut it a few twists up from the net rim (if you do so be careful when you bend the rim to shape or you may untwist it)

The traps they make for sale come with instructions on how to use them but they all work the same.
Gotta get new rocks. I know, it sucks. But that's the only way.

You'rea lways gonna risk having them though.
ask about them at the pet store u got the rock from