Sunday, August 2, 2009

I have a fish that lives in my old sandbox he only eats cereal what should I do with him??

Is there a problem with the fish? I mean, do you not want it there? If it's not a problem, my friend has a koi pond and feeds certain ones cheerios, that's all they'll eat. Otherwise, find someone who wants a fish.
give him a new fish tank and get him some friends
Get him a box of "Lucky Charms" .
Leave him in the sandbox and keep feeding him cereal.
I Love fishes, what is the problem with cereals, did it complain to you about cereals? huh?
cook him on the barby
get him a bigger tank.lots of friends ..n' feed him lots of cereals!!
get him some friends
what kind of fish is your pet anyway? try to be more specific so your question will be easily answered.
Steam or fry is best!
send it down to me in Africa I like em
Er, is there a problem? I don't see any. Well, if it likes cereal, then go ahead and feed it cereal. Its not getting sick or anything right?

I have a fish that is too big for the tank, who do I give it to?

It is a Iredensent Shark, and it is getting too big for the tank, I want to find it a better home, but where? Maby I could sell it? It is about 4-5 years old, and about 1' long.
Offer it to pet stores with large display tanks, your local zoo, , or try posting it on some fish forums.
uh get a bigger tank and keep it..
You can always sell it to the store where you bought it from, sometimes they buy back animals.
why dont you take a shot and sell it on ebay
get it a new tank..or a lot of pet stores will bye them off of you! It will go to a good home I'm sure.

unless you have friends who have fishtanks too, and would be able to take it in..that is if it would be compatable with their fish!
y dont u put where u live and post an add asking who would want Ur fish

p.s y cant u get a bigger tank
call ur local pet shop and see if u can put an ad in there fish dept. i doubt seriously if they'll take it but u can certainly ask and u could put an add in the paper good luck u can buy a bigger tank too and keep him
Go to your local Petco and see if they wiil take it. Set up an ad in your local paper or community bullitain board.

You could also consider getting him a bigger tank, or even installing a back-yard pond for him.

Good Luck!
I put mine in a local stream.
ask friends and if they dont want it donate it to something
You give it a bigger fish tank or back to where u got it from.
Just like plants - the bigger the pot the bigger the plant. Obviously Mr. Shark needs more room to grow, I would get a bigger tank. You would miss him is you sold him.
Our local pet store will buy back or trade in fish that get too big for our tank. Ebay is a great option, too. Good luck!
take it to your local chinese take away im sure they'll find a use for it if you get my drift.
First off, do NOT put it in local waters. That's how ecosystems get screwed over and there likely is laws (even if dusty) against that in your area.
You may be able to do a trade off at a local pet shop or just get store credit. However, don't expect to get much. Or you could give it to a friend or place an ad in the local newspaper.
call your local animal rescue league. and tell them your situation. and im sure they will be more than happy to help you. most of them have an open door policy. dont give the fish to just anybody coz if the fish continuos to grow and they let it out into the environment it could damage the local eco system. or you cal contact your local aquarium too and see if they can help you. gudlak!
Your local petshop should normally take it.not sure if they will be willing to pay.
Also try advertising on
You should try looking on for a bigger tank or a different style might be all you need. If that doesn't work out than you can sell it on there but you have to be careful shipping live fish. They must be shipped overnight next morning delivery in a bag of water like you get it in the store packed safely in a box for shipping plainly labeled with "Live Animal Handle With Care". They also sell oxygen tablets that you can put in the water in the bag so he doesnt run out of air. You can buy them at most pet stores if you look for them.
Try ebay, someone near your house might buy it and pick it up. Or take it to the pet shop.
Try calling around local fish stores, especially in/near bigger cities. Stay away from the chains, they won't buy fish. Find a good mom and pop place, they should give you store credit too. Or, try running an ad in your local paper. I'd stay away from ebay, unless you know how to properly ship a live fish. Try calling around local schools/colleges/zoos/aquarium. Or, what you could do, depending on your yard etc. dig a pond for it.
ask your local pet shops, they always know someone with the really large tanks

I have a fish that is shaking uncontrollably what can I do?

This sounds like shimmy. Which is generally a sign of stress brought on by poor water condition, or a sign of other diseases. Test your water for nitrates, ammonia, and pH. (Even if you suspect a disease be sure to check your water as bad water conditions lead to disease.)

1)Examine your fish:
-small white dots like salt grains is ick (aka ich)
-a fine white, red, or gold mist is velvet. (shows up best in a dark room under a flash light)
-Anything else strange email me or post another question.

2)Add 1 teaspoon of table salt per 5 gallons. Dissolve it into a glass of tank water before putting it into the tank.

3)If this is guppy, molly, swordtail, or platty. This is likely "livebearer disease" aka molly disease. This can be the result of stress, to soft of water, or lack of electrolytes. (You aren't using distilled water are you? That's very bad for fish. Over the next week add dechlorinate tap water to the tank.) If all you've got is live bearers add 1 teaspoon of salt per 5 gallons for 5 days. (So you reach 1 per gallon.) You might want to test your kH live bearers need it fairly high. Also be sure you're feeding your livebearers a flake with a mix of vegs, and meaty ingredients.
Put it back in the fish tank or get a bowl of water. Duh!

Or if you caught it in a lake or stream, whack its head off and gut it. Drain the blood then cook it in a skillet. Mmmm. fishy!
It's just doing the electric slide and/or disco. You could try putting on the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack.
he i probably going to die where do you live because so sink waters have clorox maybe thats why thats how mine died
To many other questions to info you didn't provide.

- Is your Nitrogen cycle done cycling?

- Is your water temp off for this species of fish?

- Did you feed it something you shouldn't have?

- What other symptoms can you describe? (e.g. lose of color, white spots, black spots).

- And lastly.What size tank is it? Is it freshwater or Marine, and are there other fish in there with it and if so - do they have similar symptoms.

Sorry - just not enough info.
Stop scaring him. sheesh.
flush him
worm it

I have a fish that is pregnant, anything special needed?

I have a pregnant fish and I was wondering if there is anything special that I need for her. This is my first aquarium and I've only had the fish for about 2 weeks, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You don't need to do anything about the fish. What you have to do is keep her from eating the babies when they are born. All of the fish will eat the babies including the mother. You can put the mother in a tank alone, and provide plants, real or plastic, that the babies can hide in. You can also go the the fish store and buy what is called a breeding tank. It floats inside the regular aquarium. You put the mother fish in here when she is near her time. You can generally tell this because she will show a dark or black spot near her tail. If you can't tell, just put her in this tank right away. This separates the babies from other fish in the tank, and when the babies are born they fall through a small slot in the bottom into a separate compartment where the mom can't eat them. They have to stay separate from the other fish until they are big enough not to be eaten, and this varies depending on the size of the other fish in the tank. Ask at the aquarium store, they can help.
Are you sure this fish is pregnant and not possibly infected with Bloat?

What kind of fish is it? How big is the tank/aquarium that it is in? How many other fish are in there with "her"?
if the fish is pregnant you need a special division in the tank for the baby's . the other fish will eat them for more research use yahoo search
If she is indeed pregnant, you should go to a fish store and buy a net nursery. Put her in it and when the babies are born you need to remove her, so she doesn't eat them.

Good Luck
Nothing, just let nature take it's course. Don't give it any extra food, feed it like normal. My mom has had a fish aquarium as long as I can remember and she never did anything special other than she would buy this special aquarium grass (real stuff) for the babies to hide in after they were born. It is to keep the other fish, including mama, from eating the babies.
Put the eggs, once laid, in a SEPERATE DIVISION OF THE TANK unless you want to treat you fish to some caviar. They will eat their own eggs. Go to your pet store and ask them for further help.
No, you do not need anything special for the fish, not at all. There is a definate chance that the baby fish will be eaten, so you may want to monitor the mother, if you want the fish to survive, but there is nothing happening with the mother fish.
Keep in mind only molly, swordtail, platty, and guppys (aka the livebearers) get pregnant. (The rest of aquarium fish lay eggs, and generally don't get visible bigger to novices.) So assuming it's one of the live bearers you should feed the mother freeze dried brine shrimp, and an algae based flake. Also the brine shrimp is great fry food for the live bearer fry. (Which are huge compared to most fry.) I'd add a little salt about 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons. If all fish in the tank are live bearers add 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons for 5 days. (Resulting in a 1 per 1 ratio.)
Dont know I eat fish Not raise them

I have a fish tank with a filter and everything?

I have a really nice fish tank with a filter light and everything. Although when i was out of town i had someone watch my fish for me. They over fed them a little and now there are lots of fish food pebbles on the bottom of the tank. They tell you not to empty the whole tank when you ahve a filter. But i am afraid of the food making the water foggy and full of amonia? Any ideas if I should empty the whole tank and put new rocks in.
do have a hose on the filter? can you vaccum (with the filter) the food up. What about a net?
get some bottom fish. little mud suckers to keep the tank clean. go to the fish store and ask them what kind you need to get along with the fish you have.
what u do is put the fish in a bowl of water or somthing and emty the whole thing out and make it look that u just got it orw/e
If you go to your local pet store, thereis this device they make called a gravel siphon/vacuum that vacuums all the nasty stuff out without changing all the water.
Definately go to the pet store %26 get a gravel vaccuum. You can get them as cheep as a couple of bucks. After you syphon some of that excess food out of your tank (and sparing your gravel in the meantime) you will have to add a little water (dont forget the water conditioner) to your tank.

Excess food does cause ammonia build up in your tank. That is the number one cause of cloudy water.

Good luck to you!
you can get a gravel vacuum at a petstore whihc will clean the excess food from the gravel. They are $4-20 depending on the size you get.

Also as a tip, next time you let someone come pet sit for your tank, pre-measure out the food to avoid excess feeding.

i have a dwarf puffer fish?

everytime i feed him, he looks like pregnant, his tummy gets big, is this normal? and the next day he looks normal again, but when i feed him, again looks pregnant
Yes, that is normal. The puffer fish suxs in water and expands its body to ward off predators. It "puffs" itself up to look bigger and reveal its colors to show that it is poisionous.hence the name, "puffer fish." The pufer type fish with the spines is called the "blow fish" and essentially does the same thing.


On a side note:
People in Japanese resturants eat it as a delicacy, but only after its poisionous skin and glands are meticulously removed. Even though this is done, some people still die every year due to puffer fish poisioning.
yeah what Micheal said and also I would like to add do not over feed how much do you feed in one serving and how many feeinds a day?

I have a dinosuar eel and a black moor goldfish, I change their water once a week. Is that to often?

If so than how often should I change it?
That's fine as long as it's no more than 25% of the water. Question.why do you have a bichir with a goldfish? You're mixing tropical fish with cold water fish.'re bichir will get big and depending on the growth of your goldfish.will probably try to take a chunk out of it. What are you feeding them? Goldfish should be on a low protein, high fiber (veggie) diet while the bichir should be eating a high protein (frozen food) diet of krill and bloodworms.
that is enough changing water. i would say to do it 1x for every two weeks.
yes because an eel is shocky so incase you want to hold it the water might shock you andb you might not want to feel pain and the gold fish might be dirty so you have to change its water regulaarly.
you should do a 25% water change one every two weeks. just be sure to not ever change over 50% of the water. if you change too much, the bacterial load( which gets rid of fish waste) will be lowered and you will have amonia and nitrite spikes, which is harmful to fish. you still need to do water changes often to help get rid of the nitrates.
It really depends on the size of the tank. If you have both of them in a 55 gallon tank then yes that is too often but if you have both in a 10 -20 then its fine. Since goldfish are so messy most goldfish keepers, including myself, do a partial water change once a week. I don't know anything about the eel but what you are doing is fine as long as its only around 20% - 50% at a time.

you sould wait till the water is green and the sides have green all over them.
Do a water change once a month by taking a quarter of your tanks water out and replacing it with clean water. A friend of mine who breeds with fish recommended this to me. And remember: stay away from fish bowls!
I hope you are saying you change only 10-20% of the water that often. If your changing all the water then you are destroying the bacteria culters that fish require to be healthy. Which can shock and kill your fish! I only do a 1/4 water change in my tank bi-weekly. If you have a good filter and do not over feed then that is all you need to do. Good luck!
Well your doing a good job. Weekly water changes. Depending how big your bioload is and how often you feed them you may need to do a certain percent of water change. CHanging 10% is the recommended. You may need to do more if your bioload is big,

i have a couple of goldfish that seem full of eggs, how long before anythjng happens?

A detailed discussion on breeding %26 egglaying:

Goldfish are generally easy to breed! They are a very social animal and do well when kept in groups.

Goldfish typically shoal, forage and feed in groups and are likely to breed as well. It is best to add oxygenating plants such as Anacharis in the aquarium for the spawning process and for eggs to adhere to.

To induce spawning, the temperature can be slowly dropped to around 11掳 C (60掳 F ) and then slowly warmed until they spawn. This is done to mimic the conditions found in nature when spring arrives which is the only time they will spawn in the wild. Feeding lots of high protein food such live brine shrimp and worms during this time will also induce spawning.

Before spawning as the temperature increases, the male will chase the female, in an unaggressive way, around the aquarium. This can last for several days. The colors of both fish will intensify, the male somewhat more than the female. During spawning the male will push the female against the plants while both fish gyrate from side to side. This stimulates the female to drop tiny eggs which the male will then fertilize. The eggs will stick to the plants by sticky threads. Spawning can last 2 or three hours and can produce up to 10,000 eggs. The parents, when finished will then eat as many eggs as they can find.

For this reason it is best to remove the parents after spawning is complete. You will need to feed one of the various specialty foods for fry (see Foods for Fry) until they become big enough to eat flake or brine shrimp. At first the fry are a dark brown or black color in order to better hide and not be eaten by larger fish. They gain their adult color after several months and can be put in with larger fish once they reach about 1 inch long.
try this may help
are you sure that they have eggs ? or are you just feeding them to much ? 3 time daily should due the trick, no more than they can eat in 3 min or less. and if they are full of eggs 2-3 day and you tank will a lot of eggs in them
try this web site it should help

hope this helps
check out the websites below for the answer to this question hope it helps.

I have a common pleco about 2.5 inches long.?

I attach a piece of zucchini onto a piece of rock and my pleco would not eat it. I know its hungry cause its always going through the tank looking for food and i have little to no algae in the tank. What should i do?
They make Algea Wafers you can add to the tank every so often for your Pleco.
Try cucumber, all my plecos go absolutely crazy for it. They go for the inside part first, and then eat the skin.
put it in there frozen . they also like greenbeans as well . it may take him awhile to decide that it's good . also try the waffers . they are really good for them . good luck
yeah the wafers are good. I dunno about frozen zuccini, some people will tell you to parboil it but I always just put it in there with a rock and a rubber band. silly question but you did cut it in half right? like the inside part is exposed.
Here's a really good writeup for you. You're on the right track, but don't worry - he is feeding even if it looks like he/she isn't.

Best of luck to you!
You can try a dark green leaf of lettuce or algae wafers. Also I'll put drift wood in you tank if you don't have one.

i have a catfish and a a red claw crab, they was hiding in the same place?

and now the catfish has a big bruce in his tommy, i think the crab hit him, what can i do, ? he doesn't have blood just the bruce
Crabs will unfortunately attack, and try to eat, anything in the tank with them. The only thing you can do is separate them, or it will happen again. You can house the crab with other fish, but only ones that reside near the top of the tank.

Good luck!
just eat the crab
red claw crabs don't like to be completely aquatic they do enjoy some dry land to. Which would require a different habitat then what you have for them now. Also their both bottom feeders they are fighting over the bottom. You should only have one bottom feeder especially if you have a smaller tank. They will fight for room.

I have a bubble tip anenome and 2 ocilerius clown fish, the fish won't swim in the anenome.?

I have a 55 gallon tank with alot of live rock (1/2 the tank). I have about 8 fish total. 2 of the fish are clown fish that I had since I started up the tank about 4 months ago. About a week ago I introduced a bubble tip anenome with the hope that the clown fish would enjoy swimming in it. The fish have not even gone near it. I dropped food into the anenome and one of the clown fish went in and got the food and never returned back. The guy at the fish store said just give it time. Is that true? Will it just take time or will the fish never swim in it? Also there is a possiblity that the anenome is splitting. But I'm not sure.
They have alot of different types of clowns sold at the LFS as well as different types of anemones. I would wait a few more days and see what happens. You can always try the haitian pink tip anemone, these are fairly cheap and easy to care for. Plus it depends on the size of the anemone you have. I've know clows to go into frogspawns, hammer corals and even goniporas.
anenome in the ocean causes mildly poisonous stings, to which fish become immune to.but I am not sure if pet store fish would be be immune to this or not but thats what I think the problem is.
Many clowns now are tank raised, and so they have no familiarity with anemones, nor really a need. Also, there are only certain clowns with certain anemones. It's not a mix and match thing. (the Percula clown for example, only hosts with one kind of anemone (can't recall the name) and they have yet to manage to get that anemone to thrive in captivity) so, you may just end up with two very cool, but separate creatures in your tank.

i have a brown sort of film on the gravel in my fish tank,and the centre off the glass at the front any idea?

Probably "bad" algae.

Scoop as much out as you can 'by hand' (manually).

Turn your filter to it's highest setting.

Decrease photoperiod (turn your light off!) Algae needs light to grow.

Agitate/stir the gravel bed some to facilitate breaking the algae mat up. This will help your filter suck some of the mat up!

Adding fish that eat algae can only help. Plecos are good, as are otto cats, and chinese algae eaters.

Most important - Do water changes!! This prevents buildup of toxins in the water that 'feed' this type of algae mat. Do a 25% water change. Reagitate your gravel/break up the mat by hand - your filter will absorb more of it.

Wait 3 days, do 25% water change again. Always do at least 10% water change every other week, at a minimum.

Good luck.
go to store and buy cleaner fish they will take care of the stuff several types you can get so ask.they clean the tank of that stuff.
It means the tank is dirty and needs to be cleaned. I don't know how many fish you have, but the tank should be cleaned about every 30 days. Aside from natural digestion from fish etc, It can also be exacerbated by over-feeding fish, or too much direct sunlight.
get a algae eater but I would recommened a water change at least 50% and a gravel vacc
You can't stop that from happening you could only control it But that happends when you leave the fish tank light on to long. The Brown stuff is called algee and it's a food source for some fish.
Is your tank pretty close to a window? It might be getting too much direct sunlight. You might want to move your tank and/or get a couple algae eater fish or some snails.

Over cleaning the tank can disturb both the fish and the ph balance of the water.
Whatever you do, don't introduce snails, they totally take over the tank and don't help the problem of algae. Try cleaning the tank more often so that the brown film doesn't build up.
The brown film is more than likely Algae. This can be caused by a number of things like excess waste or direct sunlight. The best way to remove this from you tank is to do a 20% water change (you never want to take out more than 20-30%). And get one of those things that go on your tank to wipe algae from the glass.To control excess waste in your tank make sure you clean the rocks as well. Buy a gravel vac to accomplish that easily. Depending on you tank size you may want to invest in a pleco. Tank should be at least a 30 gallon for this. They can grow up to 18 inch's. You also may want to buy Algae control for your tank and apply as directed.
If it's a freshwater tank I would recommend a Siamese algae eater. Mine never stops moving and my tank is now as clean as when I first set it up.
that would probably be brown algea
could be mold or algea

I have a blue whale, and i was wondeing what to feed it?

you have a WHALE? you should not have a whale if you don't know what they it
Whale chow
Tons and Tons of plankton.
a crabby patty
Definitely a Krabby Patty.
Man, I'd hate to be you when it's time to clean the fish tank ! :)
Blue whales can eat up to 4 tons of shrimp per day. The hardest part of feeding them 4 tons of shrimp per day is opening ALL those little cans.!
bull *-same as you're trying to feed us
Are you talking about the candy? I used to love blue whales, but they changed them. Now they taste gross.
u dont really have a whale! thats nonsence
Plankton or Krill.
Send him to the moon like that South Park episode.

But when the whale is starving, he will eat everything you give him

I have a blue male betta fish, whose head and lower fins have turned a red color?

I keep my fish in my dorm room, and had never seen this type of scary color change. I took him home for the fall break, and ever since I got here, his fins and head are red. I changed his water a couple of times since and I stoped feeding him because I was scared it was because I overfed him. After about 2-3 days of not feeding, I finally decided to again. Now, he's still red. I keep him at the warmest parts of the house so he's not cold. I don't understand . what am I supposed to be doing??
Theres nothing wrong with your beta. my beta changed from blue to red. He could be looking for a pretty female beta to attract.. is he making a bubble nest??
it may just be his color sceme i wouldnt worry to much about it they do change colors often
NOTHING! As long as his fins aren't torn up and gummy looking he is fine. His fins are the easiest way to determine his health. They may change color but as long as there isn't anything growing on them and they are "perky" then he is in good health.
NOTHING IS WRONG!! Dont ever stop feeding any animal!! Beta's change colors..
He may have different gens in him, or have a disease. But don't stop feeding him. because that may make him worse. If he has a good appitite, he may not be sick, or just have different gens that he got from his parents, even though he is blue. You might need to gets some good meds. Here is a great website for those. Go to "buy suplies and then click on meds. You would have lots of luck with the betta first aid kit. Keep feeding him, and that is very good to keep him in warm parts of the house. Just keep a good eye on him. ;-)
Actually if you've been over feeding him stopping feeding him for 2-3 is a good thing to do. A betta can go a week easily without food with no ill effect. (Note doing this more than every 3-4 month isn't very healthy.) You should be feeding him about as much as the size of his eye ball once a day 5-6 days a week. Skipping a day once a week will help prevent bloating.

As far as the color change. It depends. If you've had him for less than 6 months he could just be maturing. After their 1st year of life bettas don't change color much. (Store bettas are 6-12 months old.) Food changes can also cause color change. Did you go to a better betta food?

Sadly the most common cause of color change is disease. In the case of turning red the only thing I can thing of is velvet. Turn out the light, and shine a flashlight on the fish. If he has a red/gold miston his scales it's velvet. Velvet can be treted with ich/ick meds, salt and temp. (Note hold off increasing temp until you get the ich meds.)
Betta change color as they get oldier some will change completetly while some will only change slightly. There's nothing wrong with your betta. Actually if you watch him as the season go by he'll change different colors. There color changing ability goes back to the days when they were being used in rice patty's in china and japan to keep larva infestations down. As the rice patty's changed color so did the betta to protect themselves against birds and other animals looking for food. So be happy that just means your betta is healthy and happy.
it might be the food that your feeding it. i have 3 male bettas and 1 female,2 blue and 2 red.i feed mine color enhancing fish food,so they change all the time-like the blue ones fin will turn green or the red one might get white tips or somehthing of that nature.
Matting time

I have a blue guppy?

For the past two weeks she/ he has gained weight and recently been motionless and just sits in the water waddles instead of swimming.i think she might be pregnant but i dont know how to tell..when i bought her she did not have this belly and was very active.please help me out so i know how to care for her!
Sounds like she's pregnant alright! Congratulations! You don't have to do anything special for her, just make sure other fish aren't harrassing her..
she is prenant you dont need to do anything to her just leave her until her babies come out then she will be better again.she might be ready to give birth too.
There's a probability that she is pregnant. Don't worry - guppies are live bearers so she will probably find a corner of the tank and give birth soon. I think thier gestation period is about 3 weeks - month. Be carefull however, as the other fish will probably try to eat most of them. If you have a small hopital tank I'd advise putting her in that. Or you can get a mesh birthing wall that you can hook onto your tank. Good luck and, if they are breeding, you will be inundated with many guppies very soon!
be careful when you clean the tank because the baby fish r really small and black. they like to sleep in gravel and hide in the leaves. you should get them a separate tank also because if the mother stresses she might eat them.
G'day Jerry's Gurl,

Thank you for your question.

It sounds as though your guppy is pregnant especially if she has been sharing a tank with male guppies. If she isn't eating, that is a good indication. Another is the gravid spot where the fry are preparing to hatch.

I would see if you can set aside a special place in the tank for her and the fry. They normally deliver within a few hours.

I have attached some sources for you.


i have a blackmoore and 1 guppy?!?

i have a blackmoore and one guppy!do u think if i got four more guppies they would be happy? ok :if i added4 more guppies to my 10 gallon tank+ 2 snails, would the 1guppy and blackmoore be happy?
The blackmoor does not belong with the guppies. The blackmoor is a cold water fish and the guppies are tropical. The guppy would be happier with other guppies yes 3 female guppies to one male is a good number. Eventually if left together your blackmoor will be big enough to eat the guppy and will do. You should get a second tank or give away one of the fish.
Black moors are peaceful fish but they do better with other goldfish.
Blackmoors are goldfish and are cold water fish, they should not be kept with tropicals. There is no happy medium in the temp range. 60-65 for goldfish and 72-78 for the tropicals. If you adjust the temperature for one of them, you are stressing the other. Too much stress and the immune system is compromised. So you lose one or the other in the long run.
your problem is that the blackmoore is supposed to be kept in cool water and the guppy tropical so just buy 3 more guppy's and get a smaller tank for the blackmoore and get a companion like a fantail.
besides the fact that they live in diffrent enviorments, the goldfish will eventually eat the guppys. Plus, when golfish get fully grown, they need 20 gallon tanks.

I have a black poppy eyed fish that has suddenly turned gold in the body only. Any ideas what is wrong?

Most golfish will change color as they mature. Add some salt for freshwater aquariums to be on the safe side.
some of them change colors as they age. go to
just aging
Nothing is wrong, the fish is just getting older. They don't stay black.
most goldfish go through a color changing phase at 6 months of age. (body size about 1.5-2 inches in diameter) They can go through as many as 7 color changing phases but most will change just once or twice. Because almost all goldfish are born dark brown one color changing phase is common. I wouldn't worry about it unless it is an external growth outside the body.
black is not a very stable color in goldfish, they usually change colors, nothing is wrong with your fish
Thats normal. I had golfish that turned white and its fine.
It's just aging.or either it had a decended with that wasn't black

I have a black moor goldfish that has blood in his eye?!?!?

I just now noticed that my black moor goldfish has a big red blood clot looking thing inside his left eye.his eye isn't bleeding outside but just inside..he seems normal and still eats so I don't no if he is ok or there anything I can do..will he survive? I've had him for a looooong time.someone please help me?!?
black moors are common to damaging the eyes as the stick out so far. top tip avoid any thing sharp and try to keep them separate from other fish as when feeding the moors lose out because of their poor vision. i have 3, 6 year old moors and i keep them in a tank with no gravel or statues just a small pump. as for a blood clot if it was damaged be prepared for it to fall off but don't worry he will be fine i had a blind one before now . hope that helps
ok, watch it for a little longer. If nothing changes take him to the vet. ok?
good thing with fish is they can flush.. >%26lt;))> "

I dont know about fish sorry just cats and dogs
take it to the vet!!Befor it dies.
he has probably injured it on something in the aquarium and it probably wont kill him.I really doubt that you can find a vet to help him..keep the water real clean so he doesnt get infected and make sure that he eats, it most likely will heal on its own
you can add some aquarium salt to aid in the healing

i have a black moor gold fish question?

i have two black moor goldfish , and one of them loves to swim towards humans every time it sees one , and it would stare at the human. does anybody know what is wrong with my pet fish?
perhaps yer little fishey is just a social butterfly, like the dog running to greet you when you home. hoping for a snack and a rub on the head!
Nothing is wrong with your fish.
Absolutley nothing is wrong with your fish. He's learned that people coming toward his tank sometimes means he's about to get fed. The little guy is just excited.
Nothing is wrong he might think he is getting fed or going to do something awesome.
He is wanting food.I have one that does the same thing.There is nothing wrong with them at all.

i have a black bat fish i just bought it 2 days ago but now it has white spots on it what is it?

im afraid hes sick or my water too salty.
hi, yes that is ick, and the fish can get it by stress and he can be stress about a few tings, temp of water,tranportation (from one place to another when u got him),water typ my be different,and so on..
you can go to a pet store near u and get stuff to help there is all kinda stuff there are about 20 brands or yes alot to pick from..We would always use rid ick at petco(i worked there for 3 years) and Primafix They work the best that i seen..

*But another thing u should do is check everything in your tank..
--make sure there and no other fish that m,ight be in ther stressing him out(fish that are fighting with him)
--The Temp, of the water
--get your water tested,(to make sure the ph, and all is good)
(if u treat your fish he might noyt get better if u do not check everything eles to make sure everything is ok in the tank)

othere thing u can do befor u start adding things to your tank is first test your water (petso does it for free) and see where u are at on that and iff something is off it is always best to do a water change only 15% that why is will help fix what is wrong in there..

U can also get q care sheet at petco if on is near you..

good luck~
the white spot is usually ick.can be brought on by stress. Go to the fish store and buy ick medication and in a few days he will be good as new
Good Luck
It would definitly be a positve case of Ick. Please go get the meds needed from the store, and Good Luck!!
i can't remember what it is called. i know it has something to do with water temp. need to keep the water at correct temp. at all times.. need to get a temp. gauge for your tank.
My fish just had that and I gave him Primafix and he is all better now. Use it for only a week, do a water change and he's all better. I highly reccoment that product. You can get it in any pet store including Walmart. It's all natural so you don't ruin any good levels you have in your tank. Chemicals raise nitrite nitrate and other levels you do not want to deal with. A week and our Naso Tang is back to great health! Do you like your bat fish. we were going to get one, what size tank do you have?

I have a big question!?

Why do some goldfishes have bulging eyes?
It is their genes and how they were specially bred to look like that.
Because their testicles have not dropped yet.
they're tweakers!
theyre a certain type
They are bred to look like that.genetic are wild, and over centuries, this line of "goggle eye" has been developed.
it could be there breed, like black moores. Or a disease called popeye.
cause its cool
God made them that way.
those are the ones who smoke weed when your not their
They were actually selectively breed for that charecteristc. The emperor of China wanted them to respectfully look up at him from the water when he was watching them from the pond bank.
maybe there retarded

I have a bi orb and try to keep tropical fish. My problem is the tiny fish I buy are fine, but if I buy larger

fish they die by the next day. I dont know what I am doing wrong. All the tiny fish I have bought have survived but the larger fish (mollys and like sizes) keep dying. Can anyone help me.
Molly aren't the most hardy of fish, and are bad 1st fish for an aquarium as they don't take the early ammonia spikes well. Also they really need a tank of 30 gallons or more for molly. Most likely your ammonia levels are to high due to not cycling the tank. (see cycle tank in any search engine.)

I stick to fish like platty/swordtail, guppy, danio, killifish*, and dwarf gouramis**.

*Killy/killi comes from a dutch word meaning channel or ditch. These African are fairly peaceful, and hardy despite their name.
**Dwarf gourami do well in small tank, but you need to watch your ammonia levels, and over crowding.
NO NO NO!! Any fish in a bowl is bad, let alone mollys and other fish of their size. DO NOT get danios either. They are way to active to put in a proper 10 gal tank, let alone a bowl. My advice is to return all fish and get a larger tank, or maybe a nice home for a betta,

I have a betta fish,and recently he has developed black spots on his body,can you tell me what it is?

He is a red betta,a little over a year old, he was almost dead when i bought him,he has lived longer than any other betta that i have owned, and i am not sure what kind of fungus or disease he may have and would just like help finding out, so that i can save him again.
ok. I have never heard of black spots on a betta- so i checked it out. I'm totally not sure what is up with your fish. BUT, I have found three sites that have referrance to Black spots being on fish and on betta. some have good out looks others dont. I with you good luck with your fish. actuall betta site with pics
sounds like Ick ,Walmart has some stuff to treat it change his water more often GL
its possible that he has Yellow grub. and it could not be ick because ick it white.

I have a betta fish that I got about a week ago, and he wont eat any food I've given him. Any Suggestions?

i had two of them you have to wait because it has to adjust to the food.
buy a better one for 6 bucks tomorrow.
a different kind of food might work.. or a different size of fish food.
Betta's are pretty tough fish. Their metabolisms are quite slow, they can even survive in about a teaspoon of water for a very long time. Keep an eye on him for another week or so, also, check out the water's ammonia/nitrite levels, if the ammonia level gets too high (from the food breaking down in the water) you may need to replace some of the water with fresh water. Make sure not to use tap water, get bottled water from the grocery store.
If hes not eating what you got him, if you can get some live brine shrimp. He will probly eat that..also, if you have "flake" food, you might want to consider crushing the flakes. Offer a few flakes or pellets to him several times aday. Switch the food you feed him around and see what he likes to eat better(some fish like flakes more, some like the pellets more). If you use flakes get hi-promin or tetramin, if you can find it .
Do a partial water change, and offer him a betta specific pelet food. A food called "Betta Bites" has always worked for me. Anything alive, like brine shrimp, blood worms, smaller fish should get an instant reaction out of him. Just remember not to allow uneaten food to remain in the tank/bowl. It is better to feed very little more often than a lot at one time.

Keep in mind that if you feed live foods you will need to pay closer attention to water quality. When I feed live foods I usually feed or treat the live food prior to feeding. You can get liquid vitamin supplements and apply that to the live food or dry food you are feeding to help improve your betta's health.

Good luck!
Get the same food the pet store fed ur betta and get the small size of it. Mix it with the food u got and feed it to ur betta about 3 times a week and just a pinch of it.
Try live blood worms or dry blood worms.
I've just bought a betta fish too. I originally bought some flaked food for him, but he didn't really eat any of it. Just a bite or two. Then, I bought some freeze dried bloodworms to try on him, and he really likes them. I'm thinking he doesn't really like the flaked food and I'm going to buy some betta pellets for him tomorrow.

In short, try switching to a different type of food. Some bettas are picky and either won't eat flakes or pellets. Besides, a lot of sites say pellets are better. Test him with bloodworms (these are a great treat as all betta should love them). If he goes for them, it's not an appetite problem. Just try the other type of fish food.

I have a betta fish and it will not eat any food what do I do?

My beautiful betta will not eat it's food and I want it to live and be healthy but how can I when he won't even eat is it normal for fish not to eat?
Betta fish are very picky; however, like all other animals, when they are hungry they will eat what they can get. Everytime I get a new betta fish it won't eat for the first week or so, and then it eats like a pig everyday. All you can do is feed him a little bit everyday and he will eat on his own. Just be patient.

If it's a new fish, it may be stressed from the move to a new home. If it's in a small bowl with no filter, water quality could be an issue. You should check pH and ammonia levels at least once a week in a small bowl. Ammonia will poison your fish and will cause him to stop eating. A water change with a water conditioner that removes chlorine and ammonia (chloramines) will take care of that.

As far as eating, bettas don't eat much. 2-3 pellets a day is about all they need. Their stomachs are only about as big as their eye, so more food than that will be ignored, fall to the bottom, and start to break down and drive up the ammonia levels.
Betta fish can be very picky about their food. They may spit out their food either because they don't like it or because it is too hard for them to take in. I hope you are not over feeding him. Just feed him a little once in 2 days ( Once a day ). You can try feeding him other kinds of fish food.
Bettas tend not to like flake foods (of course there are exceptions). As stated before, if you just got it, it might be stressed, and so not eating right away, would be normal. Bettas tend to get overfed though by well meaning owners. They originally lived in ricepatty puddles, and so they'd just get a mosquito larvae every now and then, and that was good. Really, they only need to eat every other day, or even every third day. If you're using pellets (which I personally prefer using) then just drop one in there every couple of days. If he snaps it up then great! give him a couple more. If not, then come back a couple minutes later, and if it's still floating around, take it out so it doesn't foul the water. Also, make sure that you're using declorinated water (either bottled water, or using water conditioner). Chlorine is bad for fish, and if you were to manage to end up with water that had diluted enough chlorine content to keep from killing the fish, that could be a major source of stress. Also, make sure that when you change his water, that you let it sit and get to room temperature (the room that he's in) before you put him in his freshly cleaned tank.

i have a betta and i want to get a bala shark1 can they go together?

can the bala sharkbe in a 10 gallon tank tenporaroly not forever and how long at that?
Actually the betta will okay with any peacefull community fish that does look like a betta in the tank. Even if he isn't most fish can out swim him until he get use to them. The bala is a semi-aggressive fish that will happily kill and eat your betta.
nothing can be in the tank with a Beta - the Beta will kill anything in its water - this is an aggressive fish and it is always recommended that the Beta be in a small tank by itself
You could but i would not reccomend it. Bala sharks have to be in a min of 40 gals when young, and when older 75+. Balas grow to be over a foot long. Also they like to be in schools of three or more. So this would'nt be a very good idea.
noooooo betas will fight till the death with almost any fish thats why they are seperate at the pet store
no..the betta will get its fins nipped pretty badly from the bala shark unless they are in a pack
From what I understand 10 gallons is much too small for a bala shark for any period of time, particularly if you are going to put additional fish in the tank. Less space brings out more aggressive behavior in fish and a big bala shark is more than capable of eating your smaller betta.

Given enough space bettas can definitely have tankmates. They are very territorial with each other (males AND females, though groups of three or more females can do fine under the right circumstances) but some kinds of fish do very well in a tank with a betta provided that all fish have enough room. Keep away from fish that might light to nip at fins or have fancy fins themselves and might be mistaken for another betta. Avoid small fish like guppies that the betta will pick on and kill and definitely avoid anything big like a bala shark that might kill your betta. I've never kept fish other than bettas so I can't really help you with specific betta-compatible breeds.
I have two male bettas and two bala sharks in one 30 gal. tank with no problems, believe it or not. The bettas sometimes flare up at each other, but one always runs and hides. The bala's just ignore them. But, please realize all fish are different just like people..
YES you can get another fish and put it with a beta.

In fact when betas are in a tank with other fish it is usually the Beta that gets picked on.
Especially if the other tank mates are Tetras.

But you can put them in with other more docile fish with no problem at all. In fact they do great with any bottom feeder like Cory cats or loaches

if you have a big tank
Bettas are only aggressive toward other Bettas. I am not sure why everyone has the idea that they cannot be kept with other tropicals. However, the Bala shark gets over a foot long eventually and moves quickly. He'll make the betta a bit nervous and I would worry the Bala would nip Bettas fins.

I have a beta..?

I have a Beta fish, "Junior" he is in a 5 gallon plastic tank with air because I wanted to spoil him. Now I want to know can I heat a plastic tank and if so where can I buy a heater small enough so it doesnt melt the tank?
i have found that using a light keeps the water just as warm as using a heater.
You could buy a heater for your tank at a PetSmart near you because I did the same thing just be careful how hot and how much water is in the tank because you wouldn't want to spoil him so much that it dies.
she is right
You can get them at Wal - Mart, PetSmart, Your LFS and lots of other places. ;-) Haha, we all spoil our fish sometime! :-D
What you need is a 25 watt heater. You should be able to find them at any fish store. As long as the heater doesn't touch the sides of the tank it will not melt, or harm the tank. (Most heaters don't get hot enough to melt plastic, but repeated heating can warp/weaken plastic.) Most heater come with some sort of attachment to do this. If not you can by it at a fish store.

I have a beta that is going to be 6 years old this winter. What is uasual life expectancy??

I can never see them move. Are you sure he's not already dead?
Mine lived about 4 years. But I found some info that said 2-3 years.
Bettas live an average of 2 to 3 years

I hope this helps.
Not long. I had one for 2 yrs. once and that was long. I've had many and they all drifted away relatively early on..
One or two years. So, what a beta you have!
Here is a website that can answer your question. It says that they live 3-5 years. They have more info if you need it.
mine lived to be like 4
That is pretty amazing - you must take very good care of him! Most only live 2-3 years. This is mostly because they are kept in small bowls where waste builds up quickly and stress/disease can result. They also do muchbetter around 80 degrees and most bowls aren't heated. I am willing to bet he is kept in a real tank and not a tiny bowl!
wow! an average betta's life span ranges from 2 to 4, depending on its living conditions!! i ve never heard of a betta as old as yours(mine lived to be 3 and my other one lived to be 4)! i wonder what you feed it.:)
Generally 3-5 which makes 6 years rather impresive.

I have a Beta fish, his sides are swollen. He stays at the bottom of the bowl for long periods of time. Why?

I have a Beta fish who's sides are swollen, he stays at the bottom of the bowl for long periods of time. When I tap on the glass of his bowl he doesn't respond unless I tap really hard. When he does come up for air he swims fast gulps air a couple of times and goes immediately to the bottom of the bowl. As he goes back down to the bottom of the bowl it's like he's to heavy. What's wrong?
Swimbladder is a disease which symptoms cause fish to become unable to swim correctly, your fish may exibit swimming toward the bottom of your tank or bowl, then floating back up, swimming in circles or laying or floating on his side..
There are three main things according to the posts and articles I've read that can lead to swimbladder disease.
Constipation due to overfeeding
Bad water quality
I have kept bettas for a few years, and this had been a problem on a regular basis for one fish in particular as well as a couple of others. Many people or websites recommend epsom salt baths as well as antibotics. I haven't tried either- and have not lost a betta to swimbladder.
I recommend the following regimine, recommened to me over two years ago.

First, If you have your fish in a bowl, and your normal routine consist of 100% water changes, As soon as you notice signs of swimbladder do a complete water change, taking care not to stress the fish by having the water temp as close to his bowl as possible, and using something as a cup so you don't have to net your fish.
After your water change you should not feed your fish any food for two days. On the third day feed your fish a fresh pea. Frozen peas thawed, popped out of the skin, and cut into bite size pieces. And then do another water change so that any uneaten peas do not contaminate your water..
If you do partials, or have a tank, do a significant change when you suspect swimbladder disease and then follow this treatment.
If you don't use aquarium salt this is a good addition to most tanks. The recommended dose is one teaspoon per gallon, or one tablespoon per five gallons. If you have never added salt and you are unsure; you may want to first acclimate him at only 1/2 tsp per gallon.
If this seems to be a frequent problem you may consider feeding less. Your water quality could indicate more frequent water changes, or in my case I break up the food for this one particular betta. It seems easier for him to digest. All my fish seem to love the peas and it may be of great benifit to feed a pea once a week.
U Fed Him Too Much He Is Going To Die Soon
Your fish probably has a bacterial infection. Move him to another container (a small jar will be fine) and give him Maracyn-Two from Mardel Labs. He should be fine after a few days.

Before you move him back to the tank, get a water test kit to find out what's wrong with the water (which probably caused the infection) and solve the problem with a water conditioner.

For example, if the PH level is the problem, get a PH water conditioner. If the ammonia level is the problem, then get an ammonia water conditioner.

All the stuff I mentioned is cheap and you can buy them at
Don't treat him for anything!! It will stress him and kill him!

Just let him be, cover the tank and don't feed him for a few days. It won't hurt him, it will help him if all it is is overfeeding. If not then he is going to die anyways but it sounds like a case of overfeeding.

i have a beta fish but no betta food will it eat goldfish food??

Yes, but supplement it with other types of food. Bettas will eat a huge variety including frozen or freeze dried blood worms, tubiflex worms, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae etc.
It will probably eat whatever you put in there for it but that doesn't mean it's getting the nutrients it needs. Betta food is designed for betta's, and goldfish food is designed for goldfish. A comparison would be if you fed a dog some cat food or vice versa. They'd be eating, sure. But they wouldn't be getting the nutrients they need.
A betta may eat goldfish food, but goldfish food does not contain the balanced nutrition a betta needs.

If you can't find betta food, you can supplement tropical fish flakes---many betta will eat the tropical fish flakes, which are a more balanced diet for them given that they are tropical fish of the Anabantoidei order (same classification as Gourami, really).

Each betta is individual though.some may readily take the flake foods, some may not. Keep in mind that goldfish food is designed for goldfish (cold water fish), who have a completely different diet than most tropical fish. So at the very least get your betta some tropical flakes.
sure! i have a goldfish that eats beta food lol!
I have had that fish before it should eat its food i know this sounds mean but beta fish eat other fishes so you cant put another one with it.maybe try that
no. it is going to die if u dont get its food. so good luck
i dont no try it
Yes they will but its not specifically for them. They need Betta food. Each food is designed basically for each type of fish. Yes they can survive for awhile on other foods but they are not getting all the nutrition that they need.

i have a bala shark and a red tailed black shark they get along good what objects should i get for the tank?

I have both in my tank also. If you mean other fish, I have a variety and they get along fine. As objects go, I have Plants and rocks that makes caves that they can feel secure in if they need to. Good luck, I love my fish and I know you do too.
They like darker places. Cave, Sunken ship, rocks. All suggestions.
caves, driftwood.anything that will enable them to hide from potential conflict.
You should get a cave or two, so they can hide or play in them. Also, rocks would be a nice addition to a tank. And of course, fish always love a plant or two. (i prefer live plants, but silk ones and plastic ones are good too). Thoses sharks can get sorta big, so u should get a 40 gallon tank. for more info go to:

I have a baby Oscar Paco and koi in a 55 gallon tank. how fast will they grow?

Whew - these are two fish that do not adapt (size wise to their surroundings). The Paco, however, will stay small if you practically starve him to death (and they can live for years on very, very little food). If you feed them a lot (and both of them will nearly eat all the time if you feed them constantly), they will outgrow a 55 gallon tank quickly (say == about 6 months, maybe less). If the Paco starts growing much faster than the koi, he will start taking little bites out of him! Pacos can be very aggressive because they are like an American Freshwater bass.
Very. You'll soon be able to drop a line in the tank and go fishing.
Odd combination. Since Koi is more of a pond fish It really should have more space, and Oscars need at least a 70 gallon by themselves because of how much waste they produce, they will start to grow in a few months to a year. I suggest when they get bigger you should consider getting a bigger tank. That will prevent crowding and could prevent your koi from being aggressively attacked in the future.
Is your oscar named Paco, or are you asking about a Pacu?

Too fast. Koi do not belong in anything less than a 125-gallon tank, and even that should only be temporary housing. They belong in large ponds.

Oscars require at least 55-gallons for each fish because of potential size and how much waste they produce.

I understand both fish are babies, but they really aren't compatible, as koi are coldwater fish and oscars are tropical fish. Just out of curiosity, what is the normal temperature that you keep your tank at? And what does your pH test at?
the bigger the tank the bigger the fish will grow.Oscar's tend to get very aggressive as they get bigger.and the Koi is a very passive fish, there is gonna be a problem I'm afraid.just thought I'd let you know in advance..good luck and have fun watching how big the fish get.
Basic set up - If you are starting out with baby Oscars, you can start with a 30 gallon aquarium. However, go into it knowing you will be upgrading in 6 months or less. I would recommend to anyone who wishes to own a pair of Oscars to start with a 55 gallon tank. Two Oscars can grow from a young age to adult size and exist in a 55 gallon tank. As long as you only have the two you may not need to upgrade your tank size. Keep in mind, that a 55 gallon tank would be the minimum tank size that I would recommend as the size of Oscars will vary. It is very possible that your Oscars, when reaching adult size, will outgrow even a 55 gallon tank. A 70 gallon would be the ideal size to start with as your Oscars will grow fast, and have ample room to swim.

i have a 68L 14gall fish tank is my cycling going ok or should i do something?

i have live plants, bog wood,3 plattys, 3 blood hart tetra, 2 weather loaches ive had 4 years and recenty 2 small marble angel fish. my tank has bin cycleing for bout 2 wks and the fish r doing fine apart from a bit of green water ive bin testin my water daly for PH, KH,GH, N02, N04, NH3 and NH4 and hav steady results from all
PH - 7.6
KH - 3
GH - 16
N02 - 1
N03 - 50
ammonia NH3/NH4 - 0.25
and a temp of 25c / 77f

these readings havent changed for a while and are holding stead at the moment. is everything fine or is something wrong as my reading are not changing much. the fish seem fine and i already have a pregnant platty.

i could not do a fishless cycle as i already had some fish to start with which came with the tank and obviously needed to get them in water. the under gravel filter and gravel are new but the 2nd filter on the side of the tank was reuse from a cold water setup just rinsed.
At this point, I would suggest doing a water change of about 20%, and reducing the light in your aquarium to reduce the green water .
First of all, do water changes. It lookslike you are nearing the end of your cycle, but for now think of the fish in your tank, and do water changes to bring ammonia and nitrite down. As for the green water, it should go away wehn your nitrogen levels stabalize, if not, cover the entire tank to block out light, leave lights off, and do not feed fish for 3-4 days. That should get rid of it.
you are doing well however i lke to see the ph at 7.4--next time you set up a tank, do it the quick and easy way--get a good amount of "dirty" water from the bottom of a friend's tanks to put in yur tank, fill yours up the rest of the way and go for it because you have the bacteria needed in THAT water to do the cycling I do this to all my store's tanks and add fish the next day and don't lose fish

i have a 65 gallon fish tank, i cleanded it real good with water and all the stuff that went in it,and i let?

it sit over night, i bought 24 fish 1 month ago i let them float for 20 mins. now i have 1 fish . they are all gold fish, what could be wrong? thanks!
To start with letting them sit for 20 mins. was fine but you need to add your fish tank water to the bag of fish little by little so that the fish will adapt to your water compared to the pet stores water. Then when you put them into your tank it will not be a shock to them and kill them. Some fish will take it better than others.
Then again you might have a bully in the tank and little by little he/she is picking at them till they die. Hope this helps. Good Luck !
First is it a saltwater tank or a freshwater tank? Then you need to ask yourself was the water to cold. or did you put the right chemicals in the water. After you answer these question yourself take a cup full of the water from the tank take it to petco or petsmart and let them test your water. Then will be able to answer all your questions
Did you keep an eye on the ph balance, if it gets too high.. makes water a bad enviroment and can die. there is a test strip for that. as well as chemicals to bring it down with may be your filter was not working properly? did you over feed them? i know your supose to do a 10% water change ever so offen.. to help keep takn water cleaner..
Remember goldfish are cold water fish the water should be room temperature for them. Could be that either the water was too warm or too cold I am betting on the too warm. Also when you get fish look at their fins don't get one that has anything less than perfect fins. Most times messed up fins are a sign of an the eyes too. Don't settle for anything less than a perfect fish.
maybe u might to much food or mayb the tanks to small u no
Because you didn't cycle your tank, though goldfish are often used for that. Did you do any water changes during that time? I'm guessing while your tank was cycling, the ammonia %26 nitrites got way too high even for a goldfish to handle. And, 24 goldfish is way too many for even a 65 gallon tank. Think it's recommended at least 20 gallons for 1 goldfish. Here's a couple links, do a search for cycling a fish tank, and caring for a fish tank. Recommended to do weekly water changes of about 20-25%. Also, that's good to float the bag for at least a 1/2 hour, but you also need to add some of your tank water slowly over that time into the bag so the fish can adjust to the ph as well as the temperature.
LAst time I went to the petstore, they asked me a bunch of questions about my tank before selling me the fish. They said that it's best to leave 25% of the water in the aquarium when you're cleaning. It has something to do with good bacteria and the balance. If you do have to empty the whole thing (I had to empty all of mine to move it), then they said to fill it up, run the filter and wait a week to put fish in. And even then she recommended only starting with one or two fish at a time, until I know if they live.
You did not cycle your tank. Go to and find their link to fishless cylcling. Your fish all died due to ammonia and/or nitrite poisening because there was not enough beneficial bacteria for that many fish. Also, 24 is way too many goldfish for a 65 gallon tank. Please do some research before starting over.
What did you use to clean the tank? If you used any cleaners and left their residue on the tank of the things that went into it that could have killed the fish. Your goldfish may have been more hearty or just lucky.

How is your pump and your aerator working? If don't have one then even your goldfish isn't going to live for long. If you have one then you need to make sure that you cleaned it as well, including the entire system.

Here are a few sites that might help with your fish tank:

I hope this helps.

I just read your additional details; if you are using well water then it could be full of minerals and salts harmful to your fish. Do you filter it in any way? I know it sounds expensive, but maybe you should buy some of those 1 gallon jugs of bottled water and make sure to warm it up to the proper temperature before you add it. You also need to check the Ph level to see that it is in the proper range.
There could be alot of things wrong. You might have a big fish in the tank that ate all the goldfish. Just be happy that you used probably the most inexpensive fish you can find. What exactly did you use to clean the tank? What was the tank used for before you used it for the fish? Did you dechlorinate the water you put in it? Did the goldfish have any diseases? If I were you, I would take out the 1 remaining goldfish, put him in a temporary bowl, empty the 65 gallon tank completely (gravel and all), and start over again. Find out what the tank was previously used for. If the previous owner kept iguanas in it and used Windex to clean the inside, that would definitely kill your fish. After making sure that the tank is suitable, re-clean it with water only. Rinse the gravel thoroughly, and then refill with tap water. Depending on where you live determines the quality of your tapwater. You can let the water sit for 24 hours and that should dechlorinate it but I recommend get the dechlorination drops at any petstore. Then add the fish. Flowing goldfish for 20 minutes should be fine but if you want to make sure that that wasn't the probablem, then try floating them for 45 minutes, adding about 1/2 cup of tank water to their bag every 5 minutes to get them acclimated. Good Luck
It sounds like everyone is right about the tank not being cycled. When you take it apart and clean it thoroughly, you wash away all the beneficial bacteria that live on fish poop and uneaten food. These bacteria eat the fish poo and uneaten food and keep your aquarium healthy. An aquarium that has a robust population of bacteria is considered a 'cycled' tank.

There is a product out there---I think its called 'Stress-zyme'. It's a liquid that contains millions and millions of bacteria. I use that stuff pretty liberally when I set up a new aquarium. And until you get your tank cycled--add fish slowly.

Once you get your aquarium cycled and settled in it should handle new arrivals quite well. You'll be able to tell the general health of your aquarium by the way it smells. When its a new aquarium that hasn't been cycled yet the water smells just like water---tap water.

Gradually, the water will lose the 'tap' smell and get a softer odor to it. It's a vaguely fishy odor---but not unpleasant. The actual texture of the water is softer as well. It's hard to describe, but once you see and feel it you'll know what I'm talking about.

And anytime the water smells either bad or like a minnow tank at a bait shop you've got problems.

I do a half water change every couple of weeks or so. If the filters are fairly clean and the tank smells good I'll put if off for a week. I smell the water every day when I feed my fish--I try to keep on top of it. It's much easier to prevent problems in an aquarium than fix problems!

Best of luck to you!
you added to many fish, first of all goldfish are supposed to have 10 gal per fish and also you should only add 3-4 fish at a time to keep your ph levels normal
let the fish sit in your bag 4 longer, open it after an hour or so and let a bit of water in and contine dueing so over a period of time so the fish does not get shocked due 2 the changes of water

I Have A 60Gallon Fish Tank,Fresh Water. The Alge Will Not Go Away. I Have Redone The Tank. and Still It Comes

I Have Fish Tanks. For Many Years. And Never Ran Into This Problem. I am At My Witts End HELP!
If you're doing everything the same as you always have, the one thing you can't control is the amount of phosphous in the water you're adding at water changes. Fish food can also be high in phosphorous. If you're good with plants, they will absorb some of the phosphorous in the water. If you know of plants your fish will eat, that could eliminate a source of phosphorous. You're still going to have to clean everything pretty well, the algae spreads by spores, so all of your filter, filter media, etc has been contaminated.
get a new tank
get some of those algea eater fish, those big sucker fish. they help
either get some algae tablets, or get a plecostomus(aka algae eater)
You have too much light. Either natural sunlight or from your hood. You also might need to take it down to clean it and clean it with salt, straight table salt and scrub all the surfaces and remove all traces of the algae. Then rinse it very very well and set it back up. I had this problem and moved it out of the sunlight coming in my home while I was at work and didn't know it was getting that much light.
DO NOT get an algae eating fish. Most species of algae eating fish are specific about the type of algae they eat and if you don't know what kind of algae you have then don't bother. Introducing more fish into your tank to supposedly eat algae will only add to the problem. Fish produce nitrogen and algae consume it.
DO NOT use algae destroying chemicals. As these chemicals kill the algae they'll also foul up the water as the algae begins to rot.
Your best method of ridding the tank of algae is to test the level of ammonia, nitrates and phosphates within your water. You can buy testing kits or have your water tested in most pet/aquarium stores; petsmart will do it for free. Algae actively consumes nitrogen and phosphate within your tank and if these elements are decreased the algae will cease to exist. Also see where your tank is positioned at. If it is by a window or is receiving too much light then algae will thrive too.
Using aquatic plants, which generally out compete algae in resources, would be a good method of diminishing it. Plants like water cress do this excellently. If you aren鈥檛 the plant type then changing the water will get rid of build ups of nitrogen, ammonia and phosphates.
Be careful not to over feed your fish. This will speed up the algae process. Also, the type of lighting you use. Have you moved your aquarium to another location? Possibly in direct sunlight? This will make algae thrive. Also, your filtering system should be cleaned regularly, you may also try a larger filtering system. Another way to take care of algae growth-
Buy you an algae eater.
Jungle has a product that will help with the algae. I cant remember the exact name, but it came in tablet form. I used it and got some good results. I got it at Wal-Mart. The maker is Jungle Labs Inc. Good Luck
Try putting AlBgone in the tank. you can usually find this in a pet store. Or move the fish tank so that it does not get direct sunlight. If that doesn't work buy a couple of plecos or algae eaters.
Get a common Plecos (Algae Eater). They'll do fine and grow to about 18" max, but in a 60g tank - they'll take care of things for you.
you obviously have a light problem
move tank away from window or cover the back of the tank
leave tank light off during the day and turn it off when you go to bed
that should solve the problem
As your bulb ages, it produces more red spectrum light (which algae loves) and less blue spectrum ight (which plants love). If you had a marine tank, you would have to replace your bulbs every six months, but they last a lot longer in a freshwater tank. Bulbs of at least 10,000K are best.

I have a 55 gallon fish and live rock saltwater tank-how often and how much water should I change?

under gravel+ mechanical filter- 1 blue tang, 5 damsel species, 1 Pencil urchin (dozer), and 1 brittle star+ live rock critters-quite a variety
Same as freshwater - 20-40% every week depending on how high your nitrates measure after a week's time. If they're more than 40ppm, you'll need to do at 40% at least once a week (though, ideally, you should never let your nitrates get to be more than 40ppm; if this happens, you should do more frequent smaller changes). If they measure fairly low, you can get away with only 20% once a week.
Can't really tell you much about Marine systems, but I would recommend becoming a member of this site.
Probably once a month about a 3rd of the water in the tank.

I have a 55 G. fresh water tank, I would like the best combination..?

I have a 55 Gallon fresh water tank. I am looking for the best combination of fish that will be the most colorful and amazing to watch. I am thinking they would be in the semi-agressive to aggressive fish. I prefer to keep most of the fish at no larger than 3 inches at full growth, although 4 inches might be acceptable. Can I have enough colorful fish to "wow" my friends in a 55 gallon tank? Your suggesstions please. Thank you :) PS. I don't want fish that would be killing each other off all the time .. if possible.
Oscars don't get up to 4 inches, they go up to a foot and possibly beyond (mine got to 14 inches).
African cichlids are good, and colorful. There's different varieties from different lakes in Africa, ie: Malawi, Tanganiyaka-something can't think of right name right now, I suggest reasearching those and sticking with the proper one. Meaning, go with one lake variety, not mixing them up.
One of my tanks(not an African tank), I have 1 Firemouth Cichlid, 1 Jewel Cichlid, 1 Turquoise (sp) Severum, and 4 Bolivian Rams, 3 small clown loaches(these guys grow HUGE, but very slowly). The Firemouth and Jewel turn beautiful colors when they mature, a red and iridescent. All of these are somewhat territorial, but they get along well. You don't want to pair up the jewel and Firemouth, because then they can get a little too aggressive when mating. All of those fish, with the exception of the Severum (up to 12+ inches) and eventually the clown loaches, stay small about 6 inches. The rams only get to about 3 inches. This is a good site for researching fish info:
It sounds like tropical community fish would be your best choice. The semiaggressives and aggressives tend to get larger than three to four inches and they need more space then community fish so you cant have as many in the tank. I would suggest tetras you can get some colorful ones and they are amazing to watch when they school especially if you buy at least 5 or 6 of each type.
Well, Oscars are probably four inches at full growth. They're agressive (watch your fingers near them), and if you'd like nicer fish, try a combination of some angelfish (about 2 or 3), ONE betta, as two would fight, but bettas only get about two inches long, and you could try an albino clawed frog, maybe a couple small eels, and pictus catfish are neat to watch. they swim VERY fast, and they wag their tails. O, and clownfish, are cool too. NEVER PUT IN A TETRA WITH A LONG FINNED FISH!! THEY WILL KILL AND EAT EACH OTHER. I tried it before, and i didnt know, and they got really nasty. You could also try a Koi. theyre good in lots of water, and get about six inches long. goldfish get big in big tanks, too.
if you want something cool get some perona that way you can put a feeder goldfish in the tank and u and your Friends can watch it get torn apart its really cool
You don't say if it is a tropical or coldwater tank?

Good tropical breeds to use are guppies, neon tetras, zebra danios. You should be able to get a good shoal of each type in a tank that size plus the guppies come in an amazing variety of colors and forms.
You are limited with colorful fish in freshwater. You could start with about 5 medium sized tiger barbs. They swim in schools fast and it looks kool. You would have to put in other fish that could get along like danios. A few very large ones would look good. The idea also is to make the enviornment a natural one. Dont use regular gravel , it looks fake. Look for real rocks or sand in the pet shop. If you really want to wow people consider learning about marine tanks. You get brilliant colors and fascinating fish. Enjoy.
African cichlids are probably the most colorful of the freshwater fish. They prefer a higher alkalinity and harder water environment. However, they also prefer alot of rock work for territory and pretty much no plants. You could get away with plastic plants but if you want their environment to suit them, no plants. Julidichromis and Yellow Labs stay fairly small. I'm not sure what other species of Africans do however as I am more into the south American Dwarf cichlids. Some of the dwarf SA species are fairly colorfu. Blue Rams, most Apistograma species..but some are quite hard to find and quite pricey. For the guy that said Oscars would be a good choise since they only get about 4 inches..WRONG. A full grown Oscar can reach 12 to 14 inches. Not a good choice at all.
My suggestion would be to set up a partially planted tank. Some good lowlight plants would be Java Fern, Java moss, Moneywort, Cryptocernes, Anacharis, amazon swords. (heavily planted if you want to spend the extra money on lighting, a Co2 system, and the extra work keeping your plants trimmed and alive.) Now You could maybe put a really nice pair of Angelfish in as a center piece fish and add a large school of cardinal Tetras 10-12 and maybe some zebra danios. 6 cories for the bottom of the tank. That would be a nice combo.
Another suggestion (only if you really read up on them since they are NOT a beginner fish) would be Discus. You could probably have 3-4 Discus in a 55 (but not much else in addition) and a pair of Blue Rams and cories for the bottom. Discus are very colorful but also very delicate and specialized as well as expensive. But definately make a tank a real Looker!
If you really wann "WOW" your friends, Go shoot that stingray that nailed Steve Irwin and have it mounted on your wall.
If they still wanna see tropical fish.. take them to Sea World!

Disclaimer: I in no way am claiming any expertise on tropical fish nor do I endorse the killing of innocent murderous stingrays. These remarks are in no way to reflect the opinion of the staff and management of Yahoo.

I have a 5 gallon fish tank w/ fake plants why are they getting brown spots on them and the tanks glass?

Is there something wrong with the water or the filter?
Introduce small sea snails into the aquarium. They love to eat algae. I used to have an aquarium and found that the tiny black snails kept the plants pretty nice. I had ocean catfish on the bottom to clean the rocks. I always used natural methods whenever possible.

If the tank is near a window the sun light stimulates algae, so the tank should be moved.

That's cute, the guppies. It'll probably work too. But what does one do with the offspring? This sweet little fish breeds like rabbits. L.O.L.
Its just brown algae, if you don't like it just wipe it off. If your tank is near a window or if your lights are on too long you can get it. You can also get if from over feeding, try feeding less and do a water change.
you might need to get a better filter if you are getting brown spots on the fake plants and tank glass. Why dont you use real plants.. it will help filter and oxidize the water better than just letting do the filter do all the cleaning.
It's alge sometimes it's green or brown. Get rid of the fake plants, and put in some real ones. Clean the tank and fill with fresh water.
It might be mold you should get one of those fish that just stick on the glass and suck off the dirt
No, nothing is wrong with the water or the filter, it is the balance in your tank that is encouraging the growth of brown algae. You can remove it with a fungicide, but a better way to deal with the problem is to introduce some snails and guppies into the tank. They will eat the algae. You should also check that you have a bubbler on your water outlet, to make sure the water is aerated.
Hope this helps.
Probably just a build-up of alge. Clean the plants and the tank and they'll be fine for awhile.

P.S. You don't have to empty the tank to clean it. Just take a small cloth and wipe it down inside. The fish will get excited with your hand in there but they'll be okay. Take the plants out to clean them.
it might be algae. i would call a pet store. good luck
It sounds like brown diatom algae. They sell algae scrapers and scrubs at the local fish store. I would invest in one and clean the inside of the tank once a week or so and you shouldn't have any problems.
it's just algae.

Scrub the glass every time you do a water change. For the plants, you can take them out and rub them with your fingers under warm water.
build-up of algae.. get an algae scraper or spnge. also keep your tank away from sun. this promotes algae growth.
You could try getting an oto cat, they like that brown algae, but only if you don't have goldfish or salt in the tank, or the tank isn't overstocked. Don't break down the tank and reclean everything. People think a tank has to be spotless, but it's actually better to have it a little "dirty". And, if you do that, you'll stress the fish, and most likely cause the tank to do another cycle.
Algae , time for a cleaning! ?;)~~
its probably just algae if its slimy, if you dont like it just wipe it off or get an algae eater, and if you prefer just get a chemical that removes algae. Good Luck!

I have a 5 gallon fish aquarium that constantly have bubbles on the surface. Only 4 fish.?

brand new equipment and clean. what caused the bubbles and how can I correct that?
Protein scum forming from excess food. Cut the amount you feed in half and do a partial water change.
Check the PH level and if the water is too soft. If you don't have the strips to check the levels in the water, take a sample to the pet shop where you buy your fish and they can find your problem for you.
if you have a betta fish then he is trying to make a nest on tope of your tank
have you had the amonia levels checked lately ? do have an air stone in the aquarium ?? need more info email me if you would like some help
Male fish building a nest? All in one spot? How many bubbles? Oxygen being release from all your new equipment? No harm if it doesn't cloud water. Happy fishing!! ?:)~

i have a 40g tank with sme barbs and a redtail black shark. wot other fish can i add to keep beard algea down?

an i add japonica shrimp? or will shark and barbs make a meal out of them?
well here you go: algae eaters will only eat green algae, so if your growing black, brown or red algae you must clean it out of your tank by hand. plastic plants and decor may be soaked in bleach water to remove algae easily. however if your algae is green and you have plenty of it to feed an algae eater then you can use either a pleco or chinese/siameses algae eater. since plecos get very large they eat more. remember the algae eaters need algae to eat, if they eat it all you will need to feed then green algae wafers. to help slow algae growth keep talk light off more often, and be sure its not getting much sunlight from a window.
another note: green algae is not bad for your tank its good and healthy, it provides oxygen in the water!

in pet stores they have algae prevention products, like algae destroy or no more algae. for the algae that is not edible. but still first you have to clean the aglae from the tank before you treat it with and algae preventor, however some of these products are not good with live plants.
Try a pleicastemus cat fish which is strictly a alga feeder. Your tank will be clean as can be before you know it.
A pleco would be your best choice, it will get along with everybody.
Whenever there is significant algae problems it's usually the water quality that is the problem. Most likely high phosphates or nitrates. Remedy this by doing a few partial water changes over time and you can also add special filter floss to your filter that obsorbs these nutrients from the water. Your higher plants will then compete for nutrients and the algae growth will be inhibited.

I have a 36 gal tank I want to make it a salt water tank What are the basic necessity's I need to star it up?

go to the pet store and get the special salt fot the tank, adequate filtration and heating are essential especially sine your fish will be tropicals
In order to maintain saltwater aquariums u should first READ a lot about the maintainence on the internet or find some info in Books
( journals %26 aquatic magazines), then go to the pet shop for required equipment and install the components.

The best link for info about saltwater aquariums is
You will need a GOOD filter, a protein skimmer, a hydrometer, high quality salt mix, good lighting(specific for marine aquariums), a marine test kit(for testing water parameters), and time.
other than these things, its all about how much you want to invest.

it would be wise to buy the book, saltwater fish for dummies.

I bought it when i first started my saltwater tank, and my 2 year old could follow the steps. theres not as much to it as people make out, just have to make sure you got right equipement to begin with.

best of luck.
Totally agree with guy above me. All he forgot was a lot of money. It ain't cheap!

I have a 30 gallon tank, freshwater- what fish do you reccomend?

I have a 30 gallon freshwater fish tank, 3 fish, 2 goldfish and 1 suckerfish, they get along great, what other fish do you reccomend me getting, i tend to want medium sized fish, but not to aggresive, any advise would be great! =)
goldfish with the big eyes
Red Tailed shark, they are fun to watch. I have one.
get a beta, but only 1
Get some tetras. Those things are tough. I thought they were all dead because I hadn't fed them for like 2 months, but they were still all alive. They finally met their demise when the heater in my tank broke and boiled them alive :'( .
cory cats (corydoras)
Pleco..One to a tank. they eat your algae

id lose the Goldfish..they like cold water anyways..put them in there own 10gal or something.
a blue whale
I would reccomend some other goldfish. Fantails and other fancier strains are very attractive and peaceful. Don't be put off by the so called boring goldfish. There are some amazingly fancy and eyecatching vareties! Good Luck!

(Wish I had a tank that big..)
If you want "pretty to look at", get a dozen neon tetras, they'll cost you next to nothing, get along with everyone else, and look great. If you want a full-time job, get a small oscar. It'll grow slowly, eventually eat the others, and become a monster that requires a bigger tank!
ciclids , or mabey a school of black angel fish that looks pretty , or get a mix that get along well toghether (the pet store will know)
or my personal favorite school of sharks (not reall ones lol) ask the pet store they will show you the shark fish theyre really cool
i love goldfish!! mollies are way cool. they have live babies and they are always doing it. there are also little green fresh water puffer fish.they look like submerines. freshwater sharks are cool, but they don't mix with other fish. as well as Oscars. tiger barbs and angel fish are cool too.
good luck with the fish tank.
Parana would be nice..

"O" Wise being a smart a-s-s again
Don't get a beta. They'll kill other fish.

At any store that sells fish, there are some smallish goldfish-looking fish that fit the requirements. However, they're a little skinnier, clear-colored, and have a neon stripe down the middle (in varying colors, all neon or flourescent). They're goldfish like in that they're just normal-shaped fish, you know. They're awesome-looking, though. :) Hope I helped!
I had to answer this because someone answered your question and told you to get cichlids. DO NOT, I repeat..DO NOT put convict cichlids with any other fish!! They are aggressive fish, and I didn't know that until I got some and my BIG goldfish got attacked and died cuz the cichlids are sooooo aggresive. If you want cichlids, put them alone with other cichlids in another tank, and then get ready to watch them multiply by the 100's.

I have an albino catfish with my goldfish, betta, and sucker fish. They have done just fine together for over a year. I also have a water turtle baby in with them and he's been doing great with them for about 4 months now.

Best of Luck!}
well i have basiclly the same situation, i have two guppise, a alge eater, and two gold fish and they get along. The more friendly types of fish swim in schools, for example, moli, tetra, neon, guppies. the more teatorial type are usually from south america.
Guppies and neon tetras
Really depends on if you have plants in there or not. If it's just gravel and plastics then Guppies and Danio's make a nice mix. Tetras are cool as well as most Mollies.
For you tank you should get cold water fish. Goldfish are cold water fish and if you add tropical fish they will became sick and die. There are a lot of different types of goldfish I would get another one of them.
Here is the freshwater one:

What temp do you keep you tank?
I just read that:
Plecos like 73掳F - 82掳F and goldfish like 40掳F - 80掳F, so that works out great.
i would suggest getting rid of goldfish as they get too big and are not tropical fish. I'd stick with a breeding pair of cichlids such as rainbow cichlids, kribensis, or buffalohead.
Since you already have goldfish, I would recommend that you add to that only goldfish. I have in the past had differetn typed of goldfish and that works well. Just don't add any trpical fish with your goldfish. You could add bottom dwellers and it should be ok. Like small catfish, plecos, algae eaters. All those would also help keep the tank clean.

I have a 30 gallon reef tank. the water at the top is like milky why?

who's been dippin' in the tank?
Milky as in their is a film at the top? It is an oil build up. Placing a paper towel on the top of the water colum will absorb it in.
need a better filter system i had the same problem
You need a protein skimmer.
you might be using too much calcium or kalk
not enough surface agitation. a powerhead that is positioned to cause the surface to move can help and you need to adjust (or get) a protein skimmer.
probably cause the tank is dirty
the water is still
u need to add air Bibles to keep the water mowing or you re filter is not working property

i have a 3 litre vase how many feeder guppies can i fit in it?

it is un filtred and unheated but they can survive please i need to know how many and how much it would roughly be cheers
Personally I wouldnt use feeder fish. Mainly because there is no need to, but also feeder fish unless well fed themselves provide little or no nutritional value, feeder fish that are stressed (ie placed in a 3 ltr vase) can also cause ich on the fish you are feeding them to
3-4 Because they need a lot of room or they will fight or eventually die after a few hours.
10 of them, remember they are feeders so they wont grow big.


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i wouldn't put more than a dozen to give them room to grow and make sure they have lots of grass for aeration.
If you go by the 1 inch of fish per gallon rule of thumb, then none. But since it's unfiltered and unheated I'm not sure if you even want them to live, which if that's the case you could fit at least a couple hundred in there. I don't know why anyone would want to buy fish just to kill them though. All fish need a filter and all tropicals need a heater unless your house is always at the temp they need.

Do you guys have any idea how small 3 liters is? It's not even 1 gallon and you would squeeze that many fish in there?
None. A vase is not a suitable habitat for Guppies. Hell, three liters isn't even big enough for a betta.

The only thing you should keep in a container that size is some nice cut flowers.
I got a 3 litre Capri, and all my guppies died very quickly when placed inside it.
hoew big are the vase?.u should get a 5 gal tank and put a filter and heater on them and that would have u alot of money that why they will have babies and u can just keep 5 gal for feeders u can put15 with a filter and heater.. but in the vase it sound like they are smaller so i would say 7 if even that ..go by size ..
Vases are not suitable for keeping fish, full stop.
Guppies would definitely not survive very long in an unheated aquarium, let alone a 3 litre vase. Forget it.
depends if you are adding water or not! if you aren't i guess you could fit quite a few in!