im afraid hes sick or my water too salty.
hi, yes that is ick, and the fish can get it by stress and he can be stress about a few tings, temp of water,tranportation (from one place to another when u got him),water typ my be different,and so on..
you can go to a pet store near u and get stuff to help there is all kinda stuff there are about 20 brands or yes alot to pick from..We would always use rid ick at petco(i worked there for 3 years) and Primafix They work the best that i seen..
*But another thing u should do is check everything in your tank..
--make sure there and no other fish that m,ight be in ther stressing him out(fish that are fighting with him)
--The Temp, of the water
--get your water tested,(to make sure the ph, and all is good)
(if u treat your fish he might noyt get better if u do not check everything eles to make sure everything is ok in the tank)
othere thing u can do befor u start adding things to your tank is first test your water (petso does it for free) and see where u are at on that and iff something is off it is always best to do a water change only 15% that why is will help fix what is wrong in there..
U can also get q care sheet at petco if on is near you..
good luck~
the white spot is usually ick.can be brought on by stress. Go to the fish store and buy ick medication and in a few days he will be good as new
Good Luck
It would definitly be a positve case of Ick. Please go get the meds needed from the store, and Good Luck!!
i can't remember what it is called. i know it has something to do with water temp. need to keep the water at correct temp. at all times.. need to get a temp. gauge for your tank.
My fish just had that and I gave him Primafix and he is all better now. Use it for only a week, do a water change and he's all better. I highly reccoment that product. You can get it in any pet store including Walmart. It's all natural so you don't ruin any good levels you have in your tank. Chemicals raise nitrite nitrate and other levels you do not want to deal with. A week and our Naso Tang is back to great health! Do you like your bat fish. we were going to get one, what size tank do you have?
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