Sunday, August 2, 2009

I have a 55 gallon fish and live rock saltwater tank-how often and how much water should I change?

under gravel+ mechanical filter- 1 blue tang, 5 damsel species, 1 Pencil urchin (dozer), and 1 brittle star+ live rock critters-quite a variety
Same as freshwater - 20-40% every week depending on how high your nitrates measure after a week's time. If they're more than 40ppm, you'll need to do at 40% at least once a week (though, ideally, you should never let your nitrates get to be more than 40ppm; if this happens, you should do more frequent smaller changes). If they measure fairly low, you can get away with only 20% once a week.
Can't really tell you much about Marine systems, but I would recommend becoming a member of this site.
Probably once a month about a 3rd of the water in the tank.

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