Sunday, August 2, 2009

I have a bi orb and try to keep tropical fish. My problem is the tiny fish I buy are fine, but if I buy larger

fish they die by the next day. I dont know what I am doing wrong. All the tiny fish I have bought have survived but the larger fish (mollys and like sizes) keep dying. Can anyone help me.
Molly aren't the most hardy of fish, and are bad 1st fish for an aquarium as they don't take the early ammonia spikes well. Also they really need a tank of 30 gallons or more for molly. Most likely your ammonia levels are to high due to not cycling the tank. (see cycle tank in any search engine.)

I stick to fish like platty/swordtail, guppy, danio, killifish*, and dwarf gouramis**.

*Killy/killi comes from a dutch word meaning channel or ditch. These African are fairly peaceful, and hardy despite their name.
**Dwarf gourami do well in small tank, but you need to watch your ammonia levels, and over crowding.
NO NO NO!! Any fish in a bowl is bad, let alone mollys and other fish of their size. DO NOT get danios either. They are way to active to put in a proper 10 gal tank, let alone a bowl. My advice is to return all fish and get a larger tank, or maybe a nice home for a betta,

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