I have a 30 gallon freshwater fish tank, 3 fish, 2 goldfish and 1 suckerfish, they get along great, what other fish do you reccomend me getting, i tend to want medium sized fish, but not to aggresive, any advise would be great! =)
goldfish with the big eyes
Red Tailed shark, they are fun to watch. I have one.
get a beta, but only 1
Get some tetras. Those things are tough. I thought they were all dead because I hadn't fed them for like 2 months, but they were still all alive. They finally met their demise when the heater in my tank broke and boiled them alive :'( .
cory cats (corydoras)
Pleco..One to a tank. they eat your algae
id lose the Goldfish..they like cold water anyways..put them in there own 10gal or something.
a blue whale
I would reccomend some other goldfish. Fantails and other fancier strains are very attractive and peaceful. Don't be put off by the so called boring goldfish. There are some amazingly fancy and eyecatching vareties! Good Luck!
(Wish I had a tank that big..)
If you want "pretty to look at", get a dozen neon tetras, they'll cost you next to nothing, get along with everyone else, and look great. If you want a full-time job, get a small oscar. It'll grow slowly, eventually eat the others, and become a monster that requires a bigger tank!
ciclids , or mabey a school of black angel fish that looks pretty , or get a mix that get along well toghether (the pet store will know)
or my personal favorite school of sharks (not reall ones lol) ask the pet store they will show you the shark fish theyre really cool
i love goldfish!! mollies are way cool. they have live babies and they are always doing it. there are also little green fresh water puffer fish.they look like submerines. freshwater sharks are cool, but they don't mix with other fish. as well as Oscars. tiger barbs and angel fish are cool too.
good luck with the fish tank.
Parana would be nice..
"O" Wise One..is being a smart a-s-s again
Don't get a beta. They'll kill other fish.
At any store that sells fish, there are some smallish goldfish-looking fish that fit the requirements. However, they're a little skinnier, clear-colored, and have a neon stripe down the middle (in varying colors, all neon or flourescent). They're goldfish like in that they're just normal-shaped fish, you know. They're awesome-looking, though. :) Hope I helped!
I had to answer this because someone answered your question and told you to get cichlids. DO NOT, I repeat..DO NOT put convict cichlids with any other fish!! They are aggressive fish, and I didn't know that until I got some and my BIG goldfish got attacked and died cuz the cichlids are sooooo aggresive. If you want cichlids, put them alone with other cichlids in another tank, and then get ready to watch them multiply by the 100's.
I have an albino catfish with my goldfish, betta, and sucker fish. They have done just fine together for over a year. I also have a water turtle baby in with them and he's been doing great with them for about 4 months now.
Best of Luck!}
well i have basiclly the same situation, i have two guppise, a alge eater, and two gold fish and they get along. The more friendly types of fish swim in schools, for example, moli, tetra, neon, guppies. the more teatorial type are usually from south america.
Guppies and neon tetras
Really depends on if you have plants in there or not. If it's just gravel and plastics then Guppies and Danio's make a nice mix. Tetras are cool as well as most Mollies.
For you tank you should get cold water fish. Goldfish are cold water fish and if you add tropical fish they will became sick and die. There are a lot of different types of goldfish I would get another one of them.
Here is the freshwater one: http://www.liveaquaria.com/general/fwcom.
What temp do you keep you tank?
I just read that:
Plecos like 73掳F - 82掳F and goldfish like 40掳F - 80掳F, so that works out great.
i would suggest getting rid of goldfish as they get too big and are not tropical fish. I'd stick with a breeding pair of cichlids such as rainbow cichlids, kribensis, or buffalohead.
Since you already have goldfish, I would recommend that you add to that only goldfish. I have in the past had differetn typed of goldfish and that works well. Just don't add any trpical fish with your goldfish. You could add bottom dwellers and it should be ok. Like small catfish, plecos, algae eaters. All those would also help keep the tank clean.
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