Sunday, August 2, 2009

I have a 29gal salt water tank. How can I lock the lid?

I want to get a Fu manchu, but I have to lock the tank so my sister can't get into it. Anyone know how I can lock it?
There is a good do it yourself forum on You may be able to find plans for a tank hood. Having a tank hood should keep your sister out of the tank.

Good Luck.
Why would your sister get into it? Does she have a weird fetish with fish? Maybe she like sushi.
that sounds maybe a bit tricky . . . you don't want to be drilling or anything if it can be avoided. How about:

a simple plywood box to build up the height so she can't reach over? couple little plywood boards, cutout for the light stand, little strip on the inside to hold it up on the rim, little spray paint . my tank has a wooden box with a top as well, this was to keep my three cats out, it has the light fixtures mounted inside it. if you want I can mail you a pic

Is there a possibility you can start with the door to the room?

other possibility is let her get stabbed, she'll only have to learn that lesson once, sounds kinda harsh but, hey, it'll work . . .

try some of the aquarium forums too, good luck
duct tape

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