Sunday, August 2, 2009

i have a blackmoore and 1 guppy?!?

i have a blackmoore and one guppy!do u think if i got four more guppies they would be happy? ok :if i added4 more guppies to my 10 gallon tank+ 2 snails, would the 1guppy and blackmoore be happy?
The blackmoor does not belong with the guppies. The blackmoor is a cold water fish and the guppies are tropical. The guppy would be happier with other guppies yes 3 female guppies to one male is a good number. Eventually if left together your blackmoor will be big enough to eat the guppy and will do. You should get a second tank or give away one of the fish.
Black moors are peaceful fish but they do better with other goldfish.
Blackmoors are goldfish and are cold water fish, they should not be kept with tropicals. There is no happy medium in the temp range. 60-65 for goldfish and 72-78 for the tropicals. If you adjust the temperature for one of them, you are stressing the other. Too much stress and the immune system is compromised. So you lose one or the other in the long run.
your problem is that the blackmoore is supposed to be kept in cool water and the guppy tropical so just buy 3 more guppy's and get a smaller tank for the blackmoore and get a companion like a fantail.
besides the fact that they live in diffrent enviorments, the goldfish will eventually eat the guppys. Plus, when golfish get fully grown, they need 20 gallon tanks.

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