If so than how often should I change it?
That's fine as long as it's no more than 25% of the water. Question.why do you have a bichir with a goldfish? You're mixing tropical fish with cold water fish. Plus.you're bichir will get big and depending on the growth of your goldfish.will probably try to take a chunk out of it. What are you feeding them? Goldfish should be on a low protein, high fiber (veggie) diet while the bichir should be eating a high protein (frozen food) diet of krill and bloodworms.
that is enough changing water. i would say to do it 1x for every two weeks.
yes because an eel is shocky so incase you want to hold it the water might shock you andb you might not want to feel pain and the gold fish might be dirty so you have to change its water regulaarly.
you should do a 25% water change one every two weeks. just be sure to not ever change over 50% of the water. if you change too much, the bacterial load( which gets rid of fish waste) will be lowered and you will have amonia and nitrite spikes, which is harmful to fish. you still need to do water changes often to help get rid of the nitrates.
It really depends on the size of the tank. If you have both of them in a 55 gallon tank then yes that is too often but if you have both in a 10 -20 then its fine. Since goldfish are so messy most goldfish keepers, including myself, do a partial water change once a week. I don't know anything about the eel but what you are doing is fine as long as its only around 20% - 50% at a time.
you sould wait till the water is green and the sides have green all over them.
Do a water change once a month by taking a quarter of your tanks water out and replacing it with clean water. A friend of mine who breeds with fish recommended this to me. And remember: stay away from fish bowls!
I hope you are saying you change only 10-20% of the water that often. If your changing all the water then you are destroying the bacteria culters that fish require to be healthy. Which can shock and kill your fish! I only do a 1/4 water change in my tank bi-weekly. If you have a good filter and do not over feed then that is all you need to do. Good luck!
Well your doing a good job. Weekly water changes. Depending how big your bioload is and how often you feed them you may need to do a certain percent of water change. CHanging 10% is the recommended. You may need to do more if your bioload is big,
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Nice post.