Friday, May 8, 2009

how to take out terror crabs which hiding in the live rock ~~!!?

this terror crabs has killed my sea horse..~~!!

crabs come with the live rock and they even breeding inside, so my tank getting dangerous for others invertebles..

i coulnt catch them (tried so many times but they are too furies and fast hidden crab) ..
set a trap

there are several ways to do it. basically you need a trap and bait. They make crab traps and fish traps available at any good fish store. Both will work for you or you can make your own with a fishnet, fishing line,small rubber band and bait.

I take a medium sized to large sized net and put the bait in the bottom.

then I grab the net just above the bait and take the rubber band and tie off the bait. this will make a net bag inside the net that becomes your bait bag that the crab will be drawn too. The idea is to let animals come to the bait but not be able to get it.

I then tie some fishing line to the 4 corners of the net. I then use those lines to control my trap from outside the tank.

If you can stop feeding your aquarium or at least cut way back on feeding for at least 4 days.

Now that the crab is hungry drop your trap into the water next to where you think he is and wait (sometimes helps to turn off the aquarium lights so the tank is dark but do this while the sun is up so you can see into the tank. I tend to do this in the morning before the the lights would normally come on).

You shouldn't have to wait long the first time you do this. He will most likely come out of the rocks within 5 minutes and head strait for the trap. If you miss the first time you will have to wait longer the next time, often a lot longer.

Once he is in the trap and trying to get to the food, you hual the net up slow at first but pull fast if he starts to move out of the net. good to have another net handy to scoop him up if he gets out of the trap on the way up. Most of the crabs don't really swim but fall slowly.

You will want to get a hand on him as soon as you can. Careful, they can pinch you and it can hurt. Try using the net to tangle them so make sure you have a big enough net to have some tangle in it. You can bend the rim of the net to different shapes to help you. The handle can be removed as long as doing so won't make the rim of the net come apart. if the handle is a twisted wire one you can cut it a few twists up from the net rim (if you do so be careful when you bend the rim to shape or you may untwist it)

The traps they make for sale come with instructions on how to use them but they all work the same.
Gotta get new rocks. I know, it sucks. But that's the only way.

You'rea lways gonna risk having them though.
ask about them at the pet store u got the rock from

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