Thursday, July 30, 2009

i am tinking of buying a 300litre tank i was tinking of maybe 2 or 3 fish.i want an oscar?

what else sud i get with my oscar,lookin 4 suggestions
Don't get a second Oscar. One Oscar will kill the other if they aren't kept in a larger group (6 or more), and you won't have room for that. I'd suggest a larger pleco unless you plan on having live plants (there is a good chance the pleco will eat your plants). A small school (4) of larger clown loaches might also work or maybe a freshwater moray. Don't put anything in that can fit in his mouth, and I'd be wary of any other oscars or ciclids since you don't have the room to get very many and offset aggression.
The best thing that can live with an Oscar is another Oscar of equal size. A placo (bottom feeder and algae eater) can live with on too, but the placo should be bigger than Oscar.

Take Care
300 litre (79 US gallons) would be a good size for an oscar. As far as the other fish, could go with a couple of dither fish, or maybe 1 smaller cichlid like a firemouth. If the oscar is small when you get it, and you buy both fish at the same time, they should be ok growing up, but really depends on the fish's personality really. I've had my oscar with other fish, and he didn't mind them. But I couldn't add any new fish to the tank, he'd eat them, but not the ones he grew up with. Also, be sure to have excellent filtration on the tank. I'd recommend at least 1 hob (hang on the back) filter and 1 canister filter. You'll want a minimum of 790 gph output(not sure on litre conversion there), but I would go much higher then that, like over 1000 gph.

Here's some link with fish profiles. Like I said, I'd go with 1 other fish, a smaller (about 6 inches) cichlid, that won't be agressive.
I have an oscar and so far everything I have put in there with him including another oscar he has killed.If were in my area I would let you have mine..
I would go with another Oscar or parrot cichilids they are great tank mates also on top of the two get a pleco but make sure the pleco is about the same size or bigger then ths oscars
Oscars get very large, and so you won't have a lot of room to keep very many (one, maybe two). I would recommend getting them at the same time so they don't have a chance to establish territories before the other one gets there. That will increase the likely hood that they won't kill each other.however, keep an eye on your Oscars. They are aggressive fish, and while adding them at the same time, at the same size usually works, there are exceptions to everything, including fish personalities. An Oscar and a Jack Dempsey usually get along reasonably well. Some people put green terrors in with them. Usually it's best to make sure they are about the same adult size (15 inches is approximately how big an Oscar can get). Some people will do the smaller South American Cichlids with them, such as the convicts or the firemouths, but if you decide to do this, you really need to make sure that you're watching in case they start beating each other up. (and convicts, though only getting five inches, are mean little things!)
one oscar, one placo and maybe a smaller catfish or a cichlid would be the best bet for u ..
what ever kind of fish you put with the oscar should be bigger than the oscar or it will eat it also oscars grow very rapidly so it could outgrow the other fish and eat them, oscars will grow to the amount of water so in a 300litre tank it will get pretty big and agressive

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