Friday, July 31, 2009

i have a 10 & 75 gal fish tank- how many goldfish (fancy) can they each hold?

fancy means like bubble eyes ones, fancy feathered ones, etc. not like commet ones.

i have heard that bettas can stay in a betta bowl and not be in a tank. is that true?

i have also heard that bettas are not as messy as goldfish.

who is more hardy and less messy- bettas or goldfish?
Goldfish are extremely messy and in a 75 i personally would only house 3 full grown fancy goldfish. You cannot keep a full grown fancy goldfish in a 10 gallon tank, i have seen 14 inch black moors, they get large. The 10 gallon per fish rule is only for baby/juvenile goldfish.

Bettas are alot cleaner and a single male OR 4-5 females would do great in a filtered and heated 10 gallon tank. You cant mix males and females. Male bettas can survive in an unfiltered bowl however the bowl cannot be less then 1 gallon and it has to be cleaned once a week atleast, twice a week being preferred. In a bowl the water temp will change too rapidly because it is a smaller amount of water and that will stress a betta out.
Goldfish.Less Messy.In a 10 Gal, you can fit probably 12-15 and in a 75.about usually depends on how big the fish are..
Betas are territorial and meat eaters. Only one to a tank, no matter how big. Gold fish are cheaper to feed. I was told, 1 fish to every gallon of water.
As far as goldfish go, it should be one for every ten gallons of water. My fancy tailed goldfish can get kind of messy. As long as you have a good filter and do a 25% water change then the water shouldn't get to cloudy. I'm not sure about Betta's, but my goldfish are easy to take care of.
bettas are less messy and need less water, but they need more than just a betta bowl, if you have a betta 10 gal tank with an acrylic seperator you can keep 2 in the 10 gallon. As for fancy goldfish they can get quite large and are pretty hardy (esp black moors %26 fantails) but they are dirty fish. They can live for 10 years if properly cared for, each full grown goldfish needs at the minimum 10 gal each, so if you plan on keeping them for the long haul put no more than 7 in the 75 gal and no more than 1 in the 10 gallon, if you are interested in tropical freash water fish, tetras are neat and they live in schools so you can put about 7-10 in the 10 gallon tank, but you would need a water heater %26 you have to keep the water at 70 degrees farenheit. What ever you choose you will still ahve to perfom tank maintanence at least every two weeks, to exchange the water, siphon the gravel and change the carbon, and if you keep live plants in there, the goldfish will tear them up %26 clog the filter, so you will have to take the filter apart to clean the plant matter out of the mechinism to get the turnover rate of the water back up to speed, aeration is important with goldfish because they are so dirty, so a single air stone for the 10 gal and an air curtain for the 75 gallon would be benificial for the goldfish, to keep the dissolved oxygen levels high enough for thier needs. You might also want to get some nitrifying bacteria (a product called eco start) to start your tank and with each water exchange to help digest the animals waste and to keep nitrate levels down, you also need a bottle of de-chlorinating soultion to remove the chlorine from the tap water.
You shouldn't put any goldfish inn a 10 gal tank at all. They get too large and too messy.
Bettas can breath off the top of the water and not need a Air Pump, this why many people like them as any glass/plastic container will work. We have even had a Male in a Fancy Wine Decanter, just change some of the water regular. Normally a Betta will get along with other fish, but, not another Betta, they will fight, even the Female. Also, fish with long flowing fins can be mistook as another Betta and be attacked, you just have to watch and see what happen.
Normally, I have kept Goldfish with other Tropical fish with no problems. But, I have been told it best to keep Goldfish in a separate tank from other tropical fish. That be your decision.
Gold fish are mainly messy when they over crowded. The rule of thumb for a healthy take is one fish per gallon of water. Neon's and such, people put more 3-4 per gallon. Now, Goldfish grow, so, I keep it to one fish per two gallons. 10 Ten is 5 Goldfish. 75 gallon you many try 35-40 but this could be a little extreme. Dirty water from goldfish is most caused by overfeeding. Goldfish are considered Bulimic. So, they will eat, barf, and eat more causing cloudy water. Try feeding goldfish smaller amounts of food (Flake) throughout the day. I feed goldfish about 4 times a day. Breakfast (Lights on), Lunch, Dinner and about 30 minutes before bed and then it lights out for the night. When you feed goldfish they should have everything gone in about 3 minutes. I not use food that sink into the gravel. If, you get a good feeding routine down goldfish should not be too messy. Use and undergravel filter to keep stuff pulled into the gravel. Change about 1/3 water about 7-14 days. Use one of those siphon hoses for aquariums or look how it made and make one using a small clear plastic bottle and you can clean the gravel as you drain the water. I never "Break Down" an aquarium after it setup, unless there some bad Disease get into the tank. Proper water changes along with cleaning the Gravel keep things nice and healthy. I normally not buy many new fish once I get a good established tank with healthy fish.
Most fish do well in a Neutral ph (7.0). Most times the problem is water going Acid from debris. City water is usually neutral and use clorine remover by directions on bottle. If, you need to check water ph. You can buy a kit, but, most good pet shops check for free. If, they say the water is Acid (I think that below 7.0, I confuse them) they can sell you stuff. BUT, Baking Soda (NOT Baking Powder) will nutralize Acid ph. In a 10 gallon I would adjust slow. 1/4 teaspoon Soda dissolved in a cup and pour in. 75 gallon 1 teaspoon. Do this once a day until ph 7.0 this makes a slow adjust and not shock fish and kill them. BUT, with regular water changes you should never have trouble with ph! IF, your city water OK. Just take a little tap water in a small jar add one drop of clorine remover and take to the pet shop to test. Tell them it came from your aquarium, no need going into detail with them that you want to know what city ph is, it should be 7.0

You may be able to put 1 or 2 goldfish in a ten gallon, but these may not live as long. You may put about 7 or 8 in a seventy five.

Instead of goldfish, I'd recommend small tropical species. You will be able to mantain the heat of their tank easier, and they are less messy. They will also not be aggressive to each other, and are more colorful and fun. Like mollies, tetras, gouramis, barbs, platies, cories, and plecos. Snails are good also. Except they aren't fish. Oh well. But I would NOT recommend goldfish, especially if your a beginner.
i was always told it's 1 fish per gallon of water.
you could put several small (2-4") goldfish in the 10 gal with a good filter and weekly water changes
you could put a dozen or so med size goldfish in the 75 gal
but the problem you will run into is that the 75 will be too deep for
the "fancy" varieties, you would be better off with comet type in
the 75 gal or either just keep regular tropical fish
I don't know
i have no idea
5 gallons for every inch of fish.
you have to change a golden fish's water if there's no filter every 1 day
if you get bubble eyes do not have rocks, as they may burst. i wouldnt recomend bubble eyes to anyone personally. why dont you try shubunkins - they are white orange and blue, and sort of shaped like goldfish but shorter and thinner but taller in height. used to keep them. you could have about 4 or 5 of these in the 75 gallon. if your sticking with goldfish or bettas then 3 to 4 in the 75 gallon. none in the 10 gallon. no it is NOT true that you can keep bettas in a bowl. fancy goldfish are not hardy at all. they are far more prone to diseases. thats why im suggesting shubunkins. they are related to goldfish.
Don't get too many it isn't nice living in a crowded space, I always think of how I'd feel silly I no but they are living things, I thought more about plants and rocks that they'd feel safe around if they felt they had to hide. just get colorful ones that you can see well.
Gold fish just poo all day I wouldn't recommend them

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