I think my goldfish maybe going blind - is that possible and if so what can I do to help her?
goldfish are prone to disease so i would put the apropriate amount of aquarium salt for the size tank you have it housed in as it may be a disease or parasites. you may find some valuable information if you tell your local petshop worker about the situation and he or she may give you an apropriate medication..also i dont kno if its possible for fish but it may have cataracts?
get her some glasses and a stick. wouldn't want her to bump into any walls.
it's a really old gold fish, keep using the same food, make slight vibrations when you drop in the food. other than that, there isn't much to say. It's a darn old goldie, Best of wishes!
well it is probably old u know the only purpos of llife is to die so i guess she is fullfiling her purpose
Now are you sure the waters not cloudy, and shes floating upside down??
how can a goldfish be 15 years old??
eat it
Shell soon forget 9 seconds apparently.
I think she may be dieing..
caused by poor water conditions and lack of Vitims in diet improve water conditions and use a good fish food.
hey there. my cat is pretty hungry right now. you want her to go visit your gold fish ..so that it won't feel so so lonely :-)
tap the water when its time to feed and if she goes completely blind then try to hold the food so you can drop it just in front of
her so she can find it easily
is it in a pond or an aquarium?
get anti biotics for the water and change the water and clean the bowl often this is a virus
Send it to blind school with the other blind 15 year old goldfish;-)
Fish has cloudy eyes. Cloudy eyes on goldfish can be caused by abrasion, water quality, or bacteria. The first thing is to check is water quality and perform water changes to correct the problem. If water quality acceptable then abrasion could be the cause. Adding 1 teaspoon of non-iodized salt per gallon will help stimulate the fish's protective slime coat and speed healing. If within a couple days of good water quality and salt the eye(s) have not improved then it is time to administer antibiotics. Injection of 0.1 cc of baytril usually clears cloudy eyes rapidly. Medicated food works well also
Cloudy Eye- Cloudy eye can have many causes. Look for signs of Velvet Disease, Ick, and Fish tuberculosis. However, sometimes this is caused due to bacterial infections. Symptoms: One or both eyes become cloudy, and take a whitish appearance. Fish may show signs of distress, and be off-color and behave abnormally. Treatment: Establishing the likely cause of the problem and treating it as soon as possible is the best way to prevent damage to your fish's nervous system. The incidences of cloudy eye can be maintained by keeping the water quality in a good condition, and adding a small amount of aquarium salt to the water at water changes. There are many good medications available at your local pet stores that deal with this problem. Follow the recommended accordingly. (back to top)
you do not own a 15 year old goldfish, they do not live longer than a few years at most
I had a goldfish who's eye fell out. Don't worry, when it's feeding time, put the food in your hand and put it in front of the fishy's face and it'll still live if it eats.
They actually live for 20-40 years.
Anyway, as stated above it can be environmental, or it could be old age. My local fish shop has a blind 10 year old goldie, who is very happy and healthy. Just watch where she likes to eat and adjust food accordingly. I mix mine half floating and half sinking, as the blind one I use to own would hunt the bottom for food where the one at the local fish shop tries the top first then the bottom :)
When in doubt, take her to a good local fish shop and ask them to have a look. Without actually seeing the fish its hard to know whats going on. They will be able to advise you better than anyone online without a picture :)
Good luck and happy fish keeping!
15 years is a long time for a gold fish to live! Possibly she's thinking of snuffing it? I don't mean to be harsh but 15 years is a lot longer than goldfish usually live.
Most propably it got cataract! try an ophtalmologist.
I had a fish once and she had cloudy eyes, she's probably suffering from from old age or you might wanna check if the water is clean.
15 years old! My gosh, that is one old goldfish! She may be suffering of old age, poor girl. But everything dies when it is their end. She may just be feeling the last effects of life.
Or it could be the water is contaminated or there is bacteria in the water. If none of these different answers are up to your standards, i would get a book about gold-fish illnesses or about gold-fish in general. Good Luck!!
most likely it is going blind don't worry though it happens with old fish it will adapt to being blind just like you would if you where to go blind
unfortunatly not much she could live for a long time yet but 15years is good for a goldfish
15 years is only 'good' and ' a lnog time' for a goldfish becasue very few people care for them properly. So anyone thus far who has said that is either very misinformed or practices cruelty to animals.
you can bye meson that u pour in to the water
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