Friday, July 31, 2009

I have a 12 gallon aquarium with 3 black tetras, some plants, and a bamboo shrimp. What fish should I add?

It's an Eclipse aquarium ( so it has a filter, bio-wheel, and light built in. I also added a heater to keep the fish happy!
Dear Lost OC Boy
The Eclipse System 12 is a great tank and Marineland has one of the best filtration units out their with the aid of the bio wheel. I wouldn't add more then 6 to 9 fish, but i would add them 3 at a time not all at once. Placing to many fish in an aquarium at once can overwhelm the ecosystem. As far as fish you can add you can add dwarf grouamies ( their are many types ) other tetras, platies, swordtails, dwarf neon rainbows, any rasbora, cherry barbs ( one of the few that are true community) ottocinclus cats (otto) for algae eating they stay small which is great for a small tank but are very efficient, Cory cats, even dwarf frogs.
The amount of fish depends on size, as well as how many water changes you want to do, between that and the great filtration that should help you keep more fish then the norm.
hope this helps you out.
Perhaps a Molly or two- but be careful- you don't want too many fish in there.
Tetras will fight whith other fishes you add, so I would recommend a snail. In aquariums I麓ve seen some big ones with really cool shells, and it would help you to clean it.
NOTE: if you actuallly buy one you should buy some more plants beacause they like to go between them
Maybe an Angelfish. Definitely an algae eater..
My fave are the plecos or the plecostomus fish. They are really mellow and look cool with the fin on their backs, and they go well with other fish. Also help keep the tank clean.

Here's a great site on them: Hope I helped!!
A bottom feeder or two, like a plecosotmus, algae eater or corydora. Red-tailed sharks are also good and have striking colors.

Maybe a few more tetras of different types, or white clouds.

I've also done well with tetras and swordtails or guppies.

Just don't overcrowd.
u can add two more fishes. I would recommend u to add a pair of chichlid variety only. Mollies and gold fishes are fine but they excrete more and make the tank dirty very soon.

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