Thursday, July 30, 2009

I bought a sucker fish but it doesn't do anything?

it satys in one place all day and doesn't eat. are they any cold water fishes which actually cleanse the tank?
By sucker fish do you mean a common Plec (a.k.a. Algae Eater)?

Is he black in color and hides when the lights are on? They are nocturnal fish so don't expect to see them work like they do until lights out. When the lights go out they will clean like a Hoover!

If it's a true "Sucker Minnow" then I don't think that is what you were looking for, but best of luck either way.
S U C K E R !
take it back to the shops maybe its not well..but ive got one and he only comes out at night.
I had one once and ate all the other fish in the tank as well as cleaning it. Just thought i'd let you know.
Get some water snails - they feed on algae.
It broken, take it back for a new one.
give it a gob stopper, that,l teach him

They're actually more active at night as in the wild they are bottom-feeders and so they don't really like the light.Also try putting a bit of cooked spinach or some algae wafers from the pet store in the tank.The fish should eat those right up.Mine always did..
They Suck (he he)
I've got one in my tropical tank and doesn't do anything through the day, just a night goes round cleaning up, make sure there are places for it to hide, they like dark places and plants etc. as they are quite timid fish.

Oh and don't forget you need to feed them with pellets or flakes for bottom feeders.
Sucker fish (i'm assuming you bought a plecostamus) are sold at pet stores as "cleaners" for the aquarium. A lot of people think that means they eat fish poop or dirt.
That is not the case. They clean the aquarium of food that has fallen to the bottom so that it doesn't decay and spoil the water. Also they clean by eating unsightly algae. To keep your pleco healthy you might want to give it a slice of zuccini or buy algae tablets for him.
If you were looking for something to clean the tank of debris and organic wastes, only filters do that. I could be wrong but i don't know of any fish that actually "clean" other fishes' waste.
what do you expect its a fish
I think they come out and become active at night.
it is actually eating-you just don't see it filtering all the tiny particles.mine's just stays fixed to more or less the same place throughout the day then you find it somewhere else the next morning.they never really are meant to do 'anything' anyway. just suck, suck, suck.great!
You can't beat a good sucker, no really trust me you can't, i did once and she packed her bags and left home never to be seen again and whats all this talk about 'bottom feeders' tell me more!
give it a bit of time. make sure you are feeding some sort of ground feeder (normally in tablet form). He can not eat from the surface.

you will probably find he is more active when it is quite. the longer you have him the more confident he will become.
If it is a pleco then I am not surprised. This fish is nocturnal and will become active after dark.

Wait till the middle of the night and be sure all the lights are turned off.. Use a small flashlight, palmed in your hand, and shine a tiny beam of light into the tank.

You will be able to see the pleco 'in action'. Make sure there is enough algae growing in the tank for him to eat, or suppliment with prepared pleco food, which are round sinking tablets or pellets. A pleco cannot feed off the top.
he may be sick or you might not see it but he is cleaning the tank they eat uneaten foods and algae even the algae that you can't see if he is staying in one spot it could mean there is plenty of algae in that area and it is taking him a while to get it all he will move soon but at the same time he helps you clean the tank so you have to do your part such as gravel vacuum.
chuck it a penny and it will dance for you
A Hong Kong plec is a cold water fish that will live in a tropical tank.
i have one and after they get used to your tank it will start moving around more. my pleco clean the tank and clean the food on bottom of the tank I add some food just for my pleco to stay healthy. they will grow to the size of the tank too. don't worry they move more at night in the dark not much in the daytime.
is it a cold or hot water tank

if cold there are only
2 species of cold water suckers in the petshops
i suggest u get your money back and get another one

it could be sick
The question is a bit vague as you don't mention what type of catfish it is. However, most of them are nocturnal so they will only be active during the night. Most of the day they will be stuck in a corner somewhere trying to hide. I would suggest that unless you bought the catfish to serve a purpose such as eating algae or its a prize fish like the starlight plec or gibbicep. I would go for some corydoras catfish which are constantly active and are quite good community fish.

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