Thursday, July 30, 2009

I brought 3 orange sail fin Molly's after one weak one changed to yellow why.?

ps i feed them color inhansment food and they are healthy.
Molly will sometimes change color as they age. Mine have tended to darken rather than become lighter. (or at least become more orange rather than less) Molly are more sensitive to water quality so I'd highly advise checking the ammonia, and nitrate levels. A rapid color change is generally due to stress.

What is in the color enhancement food? Most of that stuff is intended for carnivores. Like betta, or gouramis. These need a higher protein diet, and their color will suffer without it. Molly are omnivores with a greater need for veggies than meat. I'd buy a flake food made mostly of Spirulina, and alternate between it, and your current food. (Your current food is not bad for the molly and it likely provides a lot of vitamins, and mineral. But it may not be providing complete nutrition for molly.)
The Color Enhancement food probably reacted to something in the composition of the fish, don't worry he's fine
probably tryin to show off (good sign ther healthy)
sometimes they change they are alright
The stress of being moved to a new tank can do this. As long as your tank water is fine there should be no problems.
These fish are susceptible to contacting liver damage from miss-managed water. I would take a sample of the water to the fish store. Also, some of these fish will change colour when it is time to spawn.

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