i looked and theres only males. where can i go to buy a female betta in ohio
YOU DON'T WANT TO BREED PET STORE BETTA'S. This actually looked down on by alot of us Betta breeders. We have spent many many years trying to separate the colors(blue,red,green,yellow,o. Pet stores don't care about their genetics and only breed for more fish to sell. If your looking for AWESOME female bettas check out bettatalk.com You'll find some of the most beautiful fish ever!!
the pet shops have to get their stock from somewhere, and those male bettas came from mother bettas.. so ask the pet shop where they get their stock from.. then contact those folks..
ebay could be your friend also
try asking them if they carry them you might of missed them.. if they don't most pet store will order a fish in for you with there shipments.. So just ask them. i have had a fish brough in to the store for me.
have you looked at Wal-Mart, they should have them. they are the really ugly ones.
Most pet stores can special order or add them to the next order for you. If you want to breed bettas you'll need at least 4 females, the male is quite persistant and will torment the poor female until she dies, so if he has a few to bother thats less stress on them. Have you looked into to what your going to do with the babys? Most breeders only get a few cents per baby when they sell them to the pet stores. Some pet stores won't give you money for the offspring. So I would make sure you have a way to get rid of the babys before you breed.
Many of the shops here in S. Florida will carry them. Most bettas found in the store are males for obvious reasons. If you ask, your dealer may make an order. Most people use the compartmentalized containers to manage the breeding. I just use a 1 gallon bowl with some java moss and anacharis to allow the female to escape the male. Once you see the eggs in the nest, pull the female out as she will eat the fry. Once the fry are free swimming, pull the male out too. I still end up with high mortality, but I haven't perfected raising Daphna. If I can get that right, I could finally get a successful batch of angels! I usually end up with 2 or 3 young from a breeding, even though I have better than 15 eggs. Good Luck!
And stay away from SpraWal-Mart! A real hobbyist shouldn't patron shops like that. They aren't equipped to serve the public, just to move product, It undermines the real Pet Stores who provide real Customer Service, They deserve you business, and it is worth any extra cost!
First of all don't breed petstore bettas, there is enough of them suffering in the stores already. This hobby is a real serious one on the account of you are responsilbe for a few hundred lives everytime you spawn. Also do not buy from bettatalk.com she has nice pictures but her stock are nothing grea for her high prices. Not to mention she sells pretty bad types of finnage. Do more research and get a quality pair. A good website to get bettas from is Aquabid.com. Also check out ultimatebettas.com there may be someone from Ohio who can help you out and there is a ton of information there too.
Above link is for Gerbers Tropical Fish. They are located in Dayton, OH and were strictly wholesale until recently. They supply fish to many pet stores and I''m positive they could help you out.
Females can be bought. Ask your pet stores to include a female in the next shipment from the source they use. They can tell you immediatly if they can help you in this matter. You can also try some web sites.
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