Friday, July 31, 2009

i have 40 fish and my aquarium are boring.What can i do?

every fish in there should be different and shud be attractive
so take out the fish that are the same
I agree with Lashly, but you need to make sure you research which fish get along well. Some will actually kill the other type, so be careful what your choice is.

Also, you can buy houses, plants, and marbles to put in your tank to make if more colorful.

Hope that helps!
why don't u put plants of rocks of statues to make more interesting
Throw in a Pirahna or 2 that should liven up your aquarium.
its an aquarium not a circus
Pirahnas or big Oscars should do the trick
put in a live Oscar, that should wake them up!
what kinds of fish do you have?
Give them away! If you live in northern illinois, id be glad to take them!
God I hope you have a 100 gallon tank. If you don't.. just. stop.

Give up fish keeping. Go into rock collecting or something.
throw in three or four Bala sharks(freshwater highly Territorial fish)and watch what happens
dude, sounds like you need a different hobbie. watch the fish closer. check out the personalities. see who plays with who and who don't. tryand guess witch ones are sad or happy. Hell, just give me the tank.

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