Thursday, July 30, 2009

i got 2 black angel fish 2day and i already had 2 albino angel fish the problem is?

the male albino is attacking the to black angel fish
why is that?
Angel fish are the meanest fish that there are! They will attack and kill other fish. You need to separate them or you will only have one left. And it will be the meanest and will attack your other fish.
give two of them to a friend
I have been involved in aquarium keeping for about 25 years. You have just put another fish into its home. The best thing to do is change the tank around just a little whenever you add a new fish. Most are teritorial and Chiclids are very much teritorial so change things up and the next time you add a fish do the same and place it into the tank when it is dark. This will give you the best results.
1. make sure the tank is big enough for the fish you have.
2. When introducing new fish, move stuff around reduces their territorial instincts.
3. distract introdutions by feeding scattered from one end of the tank to the other soon after introduction
4. make sure the tank has adeaquate cover grass caves etc.
I have used small terra cotta flower pots (new) for caves
5. The new fish should be similar in size- when the are smaller you will have problems
In addition to agreeing to the above mentioned comments about rearranging the tank to level the playing ground of the fish, i will also add that as these guys nip and harrass each other untill a pecking order is developed you might want to be on guard for fungal infections. All fish live in waste no matter how good your filtration is and all nips and tears can insue fungal infections. I highley recommend melefix made by api- aquarium pharmacuticals inc. Also as this is a high stress time for the new and older fish, i would beef up their diets to help with immune system and also increase the dosage of water conditioner that has the slime coat protection . Use foods like blood worms along with the staple flake diet . good luck.

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