I have a 40 gallon tank, my 2 goldfish grew in size and I am looking of a bottom feeder fish and algea eater that can live in the tank with the gold fishes. any suggestions?
Pleco's can live with goldfish, but they really do like warmer water conditions as do many bottom feeders. Also, as plecos grow, they stop eating algae. I would try a group of garra pingi pingi for algae eaters. They constantly feed on algae and are good community fish, plus they like cooler water conditions similar to the goldfish. Pingi are small fish though, so you'd have to get a small group of them. As for a bottom feeder, try a weather (dojo) loach. They also like cooler water conditions, and they are very friendly and have great personalities. They look eel-ish and you can usually find them at petco or petsmart, or you can ask them to order some.
I'm not sure about the spelling but a Plecostomus? sometimes referred to as plecos. They get big and aren't aggressive and have done well in all my tanks weather I had goldfish or more aggressive fish like cichlids.
Here's a link, http://www.kokosgoldfish.com/comfish.htm.
Don't ever get a common pleco, they can and will kill your goldfish. But in the link it shows 2 other types of plecos and a few other choices plus a little info about them.
Pleco is the way to go as far as an algae eater.the bottom feeder is a tough one because almost all of them are tropical where goldfish are cold water fish. Also, goldfish produce large amounts of waste, which cause your water to have very high ammonia levels so therefore most catfish are out of the question because they like a neutral tank. The bad thing about goldfish is the rule is all you can put with them is other goldfish. And they need their tank cleaned out quite often. Hope this helps. Good luck.
The only thing I could suggest would be a pleco. I have successfully kept a large one in with my goldfish and they get along fine and all mind their own business. I can't think of any simple bottom feeders you could get; just keep it with a pleco, your goldfish, and a good water change schedule!
a chinese or a gold algae eatter
A pleco eating goldfish, wrong! Come on the only fish I have seen a Pleco eat is a dead one. Pleco ignore everything and pretty much mind there own business. Are your goldfish in a heated tank? Do you have a filtration system? If you don't have both of these then most tropical fish are out. If you do have a heater (70 degrees + water) and a filtration system with low ammonia then most bottom feeding tropical fish will work. Warning a standard Pleco will out grow a 40 gallon tank in no time. I would suggest a rubberlips Pleco which stay smaller and/or a flying fox.
If you don't have a heater or a filtration system you would need to talk to a outdoor pond specialist and ask what kind of sucker fish you could use that would stay small and go in your goldfish tank.
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