Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How would you folks rate an undergravel filter for a 20 gallon tank?

the guy at the pet store said that under gravel filters are no good
Get an outside filter to remove most debris, but you also need an undergravel filter for the health of the gravel bed which is a living thing like a reef and is full of millions and millions of organisms. An undergravel filter is a must for any healthy tank. :)

Oh, and that guy? He just works at a pet store.
In my experience, undergravel filters are less effective in a freshwater 20 gallon aquarium, especially if you're using just plain gravel (which is NOT 'live') or have live plants. Most undergravel filter systems don't actually 'filter' anything. They circulate the water (oxygenate bacteria), feeding it up through the towers and forcing the water through a plastic container that holds carbon (keeps ammonia down, keeps water clear) or ammonia absorbers (that keep the tank smelling OK). There, generally, is no aquarium cloth helping to filter out debris with an undergravel filter---thereby making it less effective in keeping the actual tank clean.
I would rather do a box filter.. they r easy, cheap, and wont break. Boo undergravel!
I would rate it as unneccesary in a basic 20gal
Undergravel filter are all crappy. Go with a whisper filter those are great.
Under-gravel filters help bacteria to stabilize your tank, but you still need an outside filter as well.

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