Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Humans get brainy from eating fish.Do fish get brainy from eating humans?

The reason i ask is i just taught my goldfish a few tricks,But he forgets it all after a few seconds and i have to go over it again.Its getting real frustrating.If I could ask a few mates to donate a finger each or something(I'm sure they won't miss a finger each if they knew it would help speedy and i to get to the states).It would all be worth while.We are planning a swim to the USA so i need your help fast ty.
They say goldfish have no memory I guess their lives are just like mine. and the little plastic castle is a surprise everytime.

how is your goldfish doing tricks going to help you get to the US? You should let your friends keep they're fingers. theres no helping the goldfish remember. and its no so greta over here that your friends should offer up their fingers
Ask a piranha
Protein content of human flesh is probably very high, though this isn't why we benefit from oily fish (Omega 3). Maybe feed tham a human finger after a long time of eating oily fish.
No way man-we are considered junk food by the leading "shark fin magazine" experts.
Bless your heart give it up. A fish losses its memory every 5 seconds or so. Watch Finding Nemo.
well try matching your wit with a phirana or a shark
No, they just get full up
ta for the 2pts
Funny question. LOL. Actually fish have a memory (somewhat). Every day when I go to feed my cichlid, he starts swimming and showing off as soon as he sees the food container. Before the container comes out, he's just swimming back and forth, looking at me and hoping I'll feed him. It's quite obvious he knows what's going on.
Most fish have a better sense of taste so would`nt dream of even experimenting with human flesh.
I have to agree with dhalia1977. My goldfish know exactly when it`s feeding time and even remind me by giving me a look of scorn if I`m late with their food. I read in a fish mag that fish can remember things for up to six months! Wonder how they carried out that survey?

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