Monday, May 24, 2010

I have been running my tank for 2 weeks now?

i think i have a 30 gallon sure ..anyways does anyone have any ideas about what kind of fish i should put in it? I am a beginner and i dont want mollies or any community fish i want semi agressive . :)
Had to do some searching since It has been a few years since I had my tanks. All I remember is the how relaxing it was to observe with my kids approx 25 different specie including crabs, turtles, snails in two 30 gal tanks.

This page has a good listing of various tank communities and specie compatibility.

hope it helps and good luck
Red Oscars
um.. them ones with big eyes.. haha cuz they look funny
You don't want agressive fish (ie: oscars) in a tank that size. Oscars get over a foot long and anything else that is agressive needs lots of space or they are more likely to fight with each other. The rule of thumb is one inch of fish per gallon of tank. You have to take into account the adult size of the fish, not the size it is when you buy it or it can out grow your tank. Try something like tiger barbs. They only get 4-5 inches and are semi agressive.
Go to a reputable tropical fish store, and talk to the sales person. They can help you with selection. I could recommend a few fish, but they may not be available at your store.

Meanwhile, here's an informative site that explains how to set up a tank and keep it healthy.
SnowFlake Eel maybe
I was talking about this very topic with my son this week. Are you aware you need to put in the cheapest fish you can buy for a month or so, use the nitrate/nitrite test kit, and watch the toxic stuff. The levels rise to a level which kills ordinary fish, then suddenly comes into balance and then is time to put in good fish.

Of course, maybe they have developed a new chemical additive to correct this, but do check it out before you put in new fish that cost a lot.

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