Monday, May 24, 2010

I have mollies and feeder fish. My water tests good in every category-except alalinity is always high. How..?

Do i get this level down?
DO NOT use distilled water- it has all the minerals taken out of it. USE bottled drinking water. Still pure but not dead. OR figure out your own tap water. If it is doable it is much easier and less expensive then using any bottled water.So your PH is high? Depends on what fish you are keeping. It may not matter with the right fish. But stop using that distilled water. Very important. You CAN use reverse osmosis water but it does not sound like you have gotten in it deep enough to know what that is. Buy a subscription to Aquarium magazine, also. It is an easy way to learn about tanks, water parameters, plants, fish, etc. Good luck- remember, NO distilled water.
There are pH products at your local LFS that you can purchase which will take things closer to neutral for you. The tap water in my area is farily neutral (between 7.2 to 7.8). I have never had to use any conditioners for this parameter because my fish are able to tolerate anything from Acidic levels to Alkalis levels. Best way to see if you have OTS (Old Tank Syndrome) is to do a pH test directly from your tap, and then compare it with your tests from your tank.

Here's some reading for you on pH/gH/kH and OTS.

Good luck!
you need to stop using the distilled water . i use tap water . i always treat my water . i use start right . it works real good . they have stuff you can get to lower it . i've had to use it a couple times . good luck .
Feeder goldfish SHOULD NEVER be housed with tropical fish.
Goldfish excrete too much ammonia, have different dietary preferences, grow huge, and need colder water temps then tropical fish like mollies.
Seperate them!

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