Saturday, May 22, 2010

i have a golden severum with white spots on head@ eye like pimples?

golden serven has white sport like pimples around his head @ eye i lost one his eyes boldge can any help the one i have left
The water should be mildly acidic, soft with a pH of 6.0-6.5 and a hardness of dH 5. Have your water tested at the pet store and make the necessary corrections.
what is that? i even looked it up and i have no idea what it is. can you explain more??
Sounds like a combination of two diseases,
Ick or white spot and Dropsy. Ick is a parasite that causes white spots when the egg sacks hatch from under the skin of the fish and is readily treatable with a cure available from any aquarists.
Dropsy is a disease where the fishes kidneys fail and water is retained so causeing swelling and the eyes to pop out. This disease is usually fatal.

1 comment:

  1. It is an amazing post.I have found really useful.Keep up the good work.haute her everyday Solution for pimples tips
