Monday, May 24, 2010

i have problems my fish cant swim it just stays in the bottom of the tank doing nothing?

get her some fish friends to swim with :D
um, maybe it's a little bit tired or maybe it's a janitor fish
you might need to get a new one
You need to get a new fish. One that is alive. It will take 4 walmart employees to get this for you if you go at 1am,.
That happened to our fish, unfortunately a couple of days later it died. Sorry
If it never swims at all .. it is most likely dead. Time to get a new fish. If it moves around, but just at the bottom of the tank , .. it might be okay .. what kind of fish is it ? .. Some tend to stay near the bottom of the tank .
Could be age.

Could also be swim bladder. Try feeding him the inside of a cooked pea.
did you remember to feed it?
What kind of fish is it? Some fish are bottom dwellers and that behavior is perfectly normal.
The Fish may be sick or dead. If you put a net in the tank and you can touch the fish without it moving away, check to see if its side fins are moving or 9if it is bring water into its gills. If you have changed the water and it was not chlorinated or it was not at the temperature of the original water the fish may be in shock.
flush him down the toilette
It's possible that is your fish's normal behavior. Depending on what type of fish it is. Bottom feeders will stay still for hours at a time. As do some types of catfish, loaches, plecostomous, and many others. If it is a fish that is normally swimming around constantly, It may be that your fish is either in shock or sick. If you think it is in shock or sick, you will need to check the temperature of your tank, if it's too cold the fish aren't as active. I would also check the ph, that would affect a new fish also.
get it some new friends . or get water rubbling by puting in some bubble stones
well maybe it doesnt want to stay on top because sometimes people are dipping their finger i the aquarium to get a fish a take firm of it
maybe the fish is expecting one of that and it doesnt want to get caught
depends on the type of fish that maybe what they do
Mabye your ph is 2 low if he's a goldfish than they willstay at the bottom of the tank if the ph is to low.

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