Saturday, May 22, 2010

I have a goldfish and a Koi and I just discovered that I have about thirty blackfish? What would they be?

koi and goldfish do breed, the babies aren't very pretty, i think they look sort of like sharks
all koi and goldfish babies are natural color at first, as they age they will change colors (due to yours being hybrid, most wont color up) I hope you have them in a pond, they are going to require some room to grow, feed them finely crumbled flake fish food
Good Luck
Baby fish. A goldfish is just a type of Koi, or should I say a Koi is just a large goldfish. Congratulations, you are a grandparent.
Sounds like Mollys
Congrats on your new arrivals they re probably babies
They are probably goldfish fry. Baby goldfish are black for the first part of their life and then they gradually turn gold as they age.

The dark color helps them not be noticed by predators in the wild.
they would be babby koi. So, your in luck because if you dont know what to feed them, you have SOME time to figure it out because for now they can feed on organisms in the pond!
I have had golf fish hatch in my pond and they are defiantely a black copper color. Most of them have stayed that color and its just a nature thing. enjoy them they will turn out to be a nice addition to your pond.

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