Saturday, May 22, 2010

I have a new beta fish, or some no it as chinese fighting fish and it keeps puffing its fins whats that about?

I think the ladie at the petstore said it was CROWN fighting fish or something like that. This thing is puffing out this werid red skin form under its breathing fins near the fornt of his face. I have no idea what it is doing? anyone no?
Chinese fighting fishes are aggresive when it sees another of the same species or a mirror image of itself. By puffing its gills thus showing "wierd red skin", it is actually trying to show its dominance. Thats why they are called fighting fishes.

try putting a mirror in front of it. You should see it puffing its gills often.
They are aggressive fish, to there own kind, he may be just acting out in a dominant way
I've had 5 beta fish, and trust me, this is quite a regular occurrence with them. I find that the more aggressive, angry ones I've had have done that more often because the happy little guy I have now doesn't do it at all. Could it be that your bowl is creating reflections of the fish inside the bowl? A friend of a friend of mine brought a beta home from the store one night, put it in a hexagon shaped tank (lots of sides to reflect off of) and the fish went crazy seeing all these "other fish" in the bowl with it. When she woke up in the morning it was dead, having killed itself by ramming the sides. True story! So make sure you have your fish in a spot that won't aggravate it too much. Also keep the bowl clean and feed him the specified amount regularly to keep him happier (hopefully!). I've also heard today (on here actually) that one guy's beta fish did exactly what yours is doing when it saw the colour green. Maybe some of the colours you have around your fish are irritating him. I don't know, but hopefully that might put you in the right direction! Good luck to you and your fish
The red "skin" is it's gills. They're more noticeable when fish are excited or warm. Betta fish are easily excited as part of being territorial.
Often the variations of betta you find in stores are just reference to the color patterns, most stores only sell the Betta splendens species.
Did the lady at the pet store mean a CROWN TAIL BETTA? The puffiness from underneath is what a Betta does when its threatened or disturbed. My Betta usually does that when he sees his own reflection. Its nothing to be alarmed about, its a normal thing.

And for the record Betta's are not Chinese fighting fish. They are Siamese fighting fish.
haha..your fighting fish is trying to show off his weird red skin..
This is a very common occurance. They flare their gills and their fins as a display of dominance. My betta is particularly agressive. Anytime he sees a bright color (like red or orange) go by his tank he's right up against the glass flaring his gills and fins. Also, when he sees his reflection he does it too. Some people actually put a mirror in front of their bettas every now and then because it is said to be healthy for bettas to flare. I do not however because I feel that my betta will flare when he wants to, I'm not going to force him to.
Your betta is practicing intimidation of other males. He is "flaring" his gills to make himself look larger and more intimidating.

BTW, betta (the fish) is pronounced bet-tah, not bay-tah. To whoever spelled it "beta", that is the 2nd letter of the Greek alphabet and IS pronounced bay-tah.

The country where they were first discovered was called Siam, hence the name Siamese fighting fish. The country is now know as Thailand, but the name of the fish has not changed.
This is a normal betta threat display. The crowntail trait comes from Thai fighting strains. (Most of the non-crowntail strains have been bred as pets for decades.) So crowntails tend to be more aggressive. You might want to give him a 1/2 hour of mirror time twice a week.

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