Monday, May 24, 2010

I have this slimy white stuff in my fish tank??

It's a freshwater tank, 25 gal, and has 7 fish in it.I know it's not rotten kinda looks like snot..disgusting I know.any idea what it is?
I believe it is called ick or ick disease , there are treatments you can add to the water but they don't always work . Ask someone about this that specializes in fish. Good Luck!
that would be fish snot. One of you fishes needs to blow its nose
that white stuff means your fish is dying are u even feeding it
Hi, ive had the same thing from some of my fish, it may be eggs with a protective mucous membrane around them, im in the southern hemisphere and its all out fish sex in the tank at the moment.
You could also test the water levels for PH and nitrites and Nitrates or take a sample to the local fish shop and see what they have to say..Cate.
That white stuff could be an egg nest so give it another two weeks to see whats going on..ok
If it is little and round than it is compleatly digested food (poop). The same thing hapens to my fish. You got rid of it by cleanig the tank.
Where is the white stuff at in the tank? As some said they could be fish eggs. If it's along the glass it could be a kind of algae. We would need more information to make an accurate diagnosis.

Edit: sly has it right. Water changes every 7 to 10 days is always a good practice. With a 25 gallon you may want to invest in a water python. This is a device that attaches to your kitchen sink and uses a venturi valve and a long rubber hose. We bought one with a real long hose that reaches from the kitchen sink all the way to the far bedroom. We have two 30-gallon takes and this python lets you do water changes by yourself, in a fraction of the time. Also allows you to do pretty good vacuum jobs!
get some ick treatment from walmart
if the white stuf f looks like air bubbles with tiny white spics in it then its called a bubble nest with eggs in it most nest like this are built at the top of the tank , if u have betta fish aka siames fighters they make a bubble nest on top of the water , if u are wanting to brreeed your fish u may want to do a googl search and put in the type of fish u have in the tank and find out if theer egg layers , nest makers or live birth but if u r really worried adn cant find the info i would just take the fish out and place them in a container with the same temp water etc adn then wash the heck out of the tank they were in
Is it at the top of the tank floating? Or is it on the gravel and glass?

Regardless I would do some water changes over the next couple of days, and then stick to a 10-15 percent change once every 7 days.


  1. I have this slimy white stuff my fish tank I Need To know what takes this off. It's like smoked to the glass. Glass Maget.& scrapping do't work. Please tell me the name of somthing that works...Thank and please e-mail me back ASAP Thank YOU, ... Tony G. (

  2. I would be grate full to know some information about mollies that how much time does a molly require to give birth to the fry after spawning and what to feed and how to keep them during that period.

    I did be grate full if you post on it
