Saturday, May 22, 2010

i have a gold fish with ist tail bit off i was wondering if itll grow back and what i can do to help it?

its a fantailed gold fish who got its tail taken off by another fantail in a 5 gallon tank
Yet another reason why goldfish need to be in large tanks, THEY ARE TERRITORIAL IN SMALLER TANKS.
The rule for goldfish is baby/juvenile fancy goldfish need 10 gallons PER fish. (fantails, black moors, orandas ect.) Baby/juvenile long bodied goldfish need 20 gallons PER fish. (comets, commons, shubunkins). An adult will need atleast 50-60 gallons PER fish because they get 12-14 inches long.
Properly house your fish and keep the water clean by doing weekly partial waterchanges and the tail will grow back. If you dont get your poor fish out of that horrendously small tank, they will DIE.
Also you need to upgrade your filtration to one step higher then whats recomended for the tank size because goldfish excrete so much ammonia and they need ALOT of dissolved oxygen in the water. Like when you move the fish to a 20 gallon tank, get a filter that takes care of a 30-40 gallon tank. If you cant move your fish to a bigger tank, then you NEED to find them a home or give them back to the petstore.
It may not be a bite; it may be a case of fin rot. In that case, there's treatment for it in your local pet store.
be careful, cause the other fish might be bitting your fish's tail
it should grow back just give it time and putting some stress coat in the water may help i grow back faster
Not the actual tail, it can regrow parts of a tailfin. The tips of the finrays, bones, can grow if they are not damaged too much and new membrane can grow between them. In some of the longer finned goldfish the rest of the tail grows too and the damaged part may always be a bit shorter, but then as the tail grows it can 'wear' at the ends and the shorter part 'catches up.' If another fish nipped out a bite of tail it may show even if the entire tail grows longer. Sometimes if the membrane between the rays is split it can grow back, the membrane starts growing from the fish end of the split and may regrow all the way out to the ends. But as the tail fin moves, the edges of the split just can't grab hold of each other and the tail may be split for the life of the fish. If the fish is otherwise healthy, and especially in the safe environment of captivity, the damaged tail usually doesn't bother the fish.
If you're positive that the tail was bitten off, then seperate the two. When fish become aggressive, it's not pretty. Maybe you could buy a small double fish tank and put them on either side.
IF I were you and I had that problem, the best idea I could come up with would be to put your special fishie in a small 5-10 gallon aquarium with pump, treat the water with 'tail %26 fin rot medicine' purchased at the pet store or sometimes Walmart will have it, and add a few tablespoons of aquarium salt to the water to aid in speedier healing, and make sure he's the only fish in that aquarium until his tail grows back out, but it will grow out again if he's not too far gone already. Good Luck

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