Saturday, May 22, 2010
I have a pregnant female guppy.any tips on what to do in order to keep as many babies alive?
I used to have a guppy tank and never removed the young.
What I had was a tank with lots of live plants. I also fed the fish good food. Brine shrimp, live glass worms, and live mosquito larvae. With plenty of cover for the young, and plenty of good food for the adults, the adults showed no interest in the young.
I suspect the adults only show an interest in eating young when conditions are poor and food not ideal. Think natural habitat.
As soon as you see the babies born you need to remove them from the tank ASAP as the mother will eat them as soon as she is done giving birth.
Get a floating hatchery for the female to go in before she gives birth, it has a slot so the babies are allowed to be born into a seperate area that the mother cannot get to. The Mother can be put back into the main tank and the hatchery used as a brooder to grow the fry for a few weeks. They are available at most good pet stores
Buy that grass for the bottom of the tank, its about 1 inch high and has several hiding spots for the babes. The other fish in the tank will eat the babies if they are kept in the same tank. Sometimes you can buy breeder tanks, its like a small tank that sits inside your larger tank, and you put all the babies in there. That way they can grow and get large enough to defend themselves when you put them back in the larger tank. Good luck
Go to the fish store and buy a breading kit. It will give you what ever you need.
seperate her in those little side tank things. ya kno those plastic retangle cups they put fish in at pet stores right before they put them into a bag for you?. those things.get 2..then 2 days after she drops the babies take her out of the little side tank. when the babies start getting big put some into the other one till you can tell male from female then your gunna need another fish take keep one all female and one all male or your gunna have a disaster.
There is a small plastic container with holes in it that floats in the tank. You put this container in a seperate tank with mommy in it before she gives birth. Then after the babies are born they can swim around without getting eaten. You then also can return mommy to the original tank without using a net by just picking up the birthing container and not risking getting the babies in the net. You can find this at any good pet store.
buy a little net that hangs inside the fishtank its like a little room that way the mom has no way to eat them
yes you should separate the pregnant guppy so that the babies won't be eaten by the big ones
Well the female will eat her fry so i heard you had a seperate tank that shes in well what u want in your seperate tank is baby grass which you can find at petsmart or petco once you are sure that the female is done giving birth you need to take the female out and put her in the main tank but you shold get a tank divider and put her isolated for about a day in the empy quarter of the tank feed her very little and once the mum gets active and eats regulary that you can take the tank divider outand let her rejoin the rest of the fish. once the fry are able to swim easily and are about one inch long then you can put them in the tank with the mum. butmeanwhile while the baby are growing you feed them first very fine flakes and then you can feed them baby brine shrimp (live) and you can feed them whatever you want but be careful because i have had guppies breeding and they breed fast and rapidly so if you get to many you can give them to your local fish store and they will give you credit to buy other fish
If you are planning to breed egg layers then what you have to do is to seperate the male and female until their colers are strong and they are pretty healthy (estimated time:4-10 days) you can feed them blood worms, brine shrimp and tubifex worms . In the tank they are going to give birth in, instead of gravel you can put marbles on the bottom of the tank that way the eggs will fall in between the marble and the mum cant eat them. Then do the same by moving the mum into main tank with the tank divider and let her recover
I hope you willhave a great time raising fish it is a fun hobby. i know a lot about fish so if you have any more question email me at
Good luck
P.S. Do not put the babies in a floatin hatchery because they will get very hot because they are right by the light for ages. O.K
The adults will definately eat the babbies as soon as they are born. 2-3 always survive but if you want as many as possible to live then get a plastic breeder box. when the mom gives birth in it, the babies swim down into the bottom of it where the mom cannot get to them. After put them in their own tank, then feed them "fry food" or babby brine shrimp. You can re-unite them with the adults when they are bigger then the largest fish's mouth. GOOD LUCK..and if you cant get a breeder box then provide lots of plants and hiding places instead.
seperate them as soon as possible
Get a big fish net with holes sufficient for the babies to penetrate. Float the net near tank surface with its edges above water level. Place the female guppy into this net. Ensure a few inches of free swimming for this female.wait for the delivery. Babies will drop through the net and swim under the net. Remember to supply sufficient air bubbles to the baby tank. Remove the female and the net once the stomach fully subsides. This is the method use in commercial guppy breeding. Almost no casualties. Enjoy..
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