Monday, May 24, 2010

I have mollies in my tank. Does anybody know how to get them to breed successfully?

I check all my chemical balances every 5 days. Thankfully I have never once had a problem!! Ph is good, nitrates, ammonia, everything. All good. Temp ranges about 80 degrees. And fish are healthy. My male is always "busy" and has been for months. Im stumped because fish are old enough. I do have one male and four females. i know this ratio isnt the best, but i did it purposly because the male is very "busy" all day.
SWEEY !! Good for the male fish of yours!
actually your ratio is pretty good. you should have at least 3 females to each male. mollies arent the easiest to breed, but they do it themselves. they may have already had babies and ate them. mollies like other livebears hold the malesperm in them for up to four pregnancies. so if you bought mollies at your local pet store, they more than likely have sperm stored in them. just make them comfortable, lots of floating plants, caves and enjoy them, the babies will come eventually.
Mollies tend to breed no matter what we do. Relax. Take to some fish geeks and they will help you make this easier.
The person who said that they may have already had babies and ate them is very correct. If you don't have places for the babies to hide chances are they won't survive. Put plants throughout the tank. When I raised mollies they had these funky looking fake plants that floated at the top of the tank for the babies to hide in but I ended up just putting several live plants throughout the aquarium. Make sure they're dense enough that the babies can hide. Best of luck to you.
Add about 1 tablespoon salt per gallon of water..mollies like a little salt in the water, and put several pennies in the tank where you cannot see them.the copper will help prevent velvet disease. Good luck
Don't add salt if you have any catfish, plecos, or finless fish. Not good for them.
Keep an eye on the females, if they start looking fat. I've had some have babies, and never knew anything had happened. Just happen to catch a baby here or there swimming around. Most end up getting eaten by other fish, or even the mother. Can buy a little nursery net attaches on the side of tank, plop mom in there when you think she's getting ready to have them. Or just make sure you have lots of plants and hidey holes for the babies. And, make sure the filter intake is covered (I've used a small net bag, or even a pair of pantyhose) babies easily get sucked into those.
Really doesnt take much to breed em, Simply put a male and 3-4 females in the tank, and your good to go. The hard part iss trying to get the fry to survive. The adults will see them as snacks, so you definetly need lots of places for them to hide. Once they get haveing babies, you will someday which they would stop. LOL Cuz once they start they dont stop.
mollies are very easy to breed.. although they will not breed if they are overcrowded. i used to breed and sell guppies (so similar to mollies that they can interbreed) and they would each have around 200 babies a month. your male to female ratio is perfect. just wait and it will happen unless theyre stressed
Mollies dont need any help in breeding. Just leave them alone and things will work out.

I knew a friend who had 3 pregnant mollies that he seperated from the main tank. He ended up with 180 babies to look after.
buy some more males and they will compete for the females more.
usually the problem is getting them to stop breeding but id try to get another male eventually one of them will have to get a female pregnant
thats really good now just wait until 1 is ffffffffaaaaaattttttt!.
i think you have the perfect set up for breeding (good ratio, good temp.) the only thing i can say is keep an eye out to see if any females are pregnant and if they are put it in a breeder net in the tank until she had ehr babies and remover her once she does because they will eat the babies and they may have already had babies and ate them all before you noticed.i would also get some plants that can float (i always used water sprite) so if you dont notice a pregnant female and she has the fry, they can hide in the plants because thats the first thing they look for is floating plants

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