Saturday, May 22, 2010

i have a question about bala sharks for freshwater aquariums.?

are they in the shark family or are they just a fish that is called a bala shark
They are just fish and were originally called sharks mostly because they are shaped like a shark. The same goes for red-tailed sharks and the related black sharks (genus labeo).
Not sharks, but sharks are fish.
Bala sharks can be very agressive to other fish.
No real shark can fit in a typical home aquarium.
No it's a shark. and it has to be in salt water too. My mom had one once.
They are not part of the shark family. The Dorsal fin is triangular in shape like a sharks and is why it's called a Bala shark. Also they are not aggressive like the other person said, they are peaceful schooling fish. Also they are fresh water fish, not salt water like the person above me said.
Not "sharks" and not "saltwater fish", ok for community tank fish-not aggressive, and can get up to about a foot long-hope you got a big tank :)
they are just a fish that looks similar to a shark thats why they call it that
Bala sharks, aka tricolor sharks are from the cyprinid family. Its basically a type of minnow, named shark because it looks like a shark. It grows to 13 inches and is very skittish and NEEDS to be in groups of 3-5 to feel secure. They also need 70 gallons PER fish.
They are freshwater fish, not part of the shark family, and get pretty large. I know it's been stated that they can be aggressive, but the experience I've had with the few I've owned over the years is that they leave things alone unless provoked.
Bala sharks are amazing I have 4 of them in my 75 gallon tank. The are not really sharks, or related in anyway. The are called sharks becuase of how their fins and body shape looks. Balas are actually part of the minnow family, and are defenitly one of the minnow's largest species. Just so you know they do best in schools or 4 or more, and make sure you have a large enough tank as they can grow over a foot long.

And to let you know from the other peoples answers(that are wrong) they are not salt water fish, and are peaceful with other fish. But when they are larger they will eat smaller fish.
No, they are not a shark. They just look "sharky" so the common name refers to them as sharks. The are freshwater fish and easy to keep. Just keep in mind they grow to over a foot long!
just called bala shark they are similar to rainbow sharks they are simiply freshwater fish not cousin to jaws

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