Saturday, May 22, 2010

i have a kind of white warms in the glass of my aquarium,?

i have a kind of parasit in my aquarium, they are in the glass of it, are really tiny white things, looks like when you clean a glass with paper, thet little white particuls that stay in the glass, and if you look realy carefull they move , my last fish die last night , and one day before i cleaned the aquarium, what should i do? please i want to buy more fish but i need to fix this problem
The white worms are one of two things. But I'm only going to tell you about the one I actually think it is. Okay, it *might* be a parasite, but I doubt it.

Based on your description of the situation I'd say you have been overfeeding the fish considerably. These white worms on the glass thrive in such conditions. The worms themselves are not harmful, but the overfeeding is.

Before you buy more fish:

1) Get a good book on aquarium maintenance. There are dozens.

2) Learn about the nitrogen cycle. Fish produce ammonia, decaying food produces ammonia. Ammonia is poisonous to fish. Nitrobacter sp. metabolize ammonia into nitrites. Nitrites are still poisonous to fish, but not as bad as ammonia. Nitrosonomas sp. metabolize nitrites into nitrates which, while not harmless, are not really dangerous in small concentrations. It takes some time to get the cycle going (1-2 weeks, IME).

3) Stop overfeeding.

4) Make sure your filters support the nitrobacters and nitrosonomas.

5) Don't put too many fish in. Fish do *not* grow to the size of the tank. They grow as big as they're going to get and overcrowding overloads the nitrogen cycle.

6) Get a test kit to test the levels of ammonia and nitrites in the tank.

7) Do regular, 10% water changes every two weeks.

Good luck.
I had these once. They didn't kill my fish, and after a week, I didn't see them anymore. If all your fish are dead, I would not clean the tank, just get some cheap fish (like some guppies or something). Put them in the tank and see if they live. If they make it a month, it's safe to get more fish.
They are called planaria and they will not harm your fish. It does mean that you have been feeding too much and the worms are living off the extra food. Since your last fish is dead, let your tank run as it is for a week, change half of the water and then buy new fish. This time, feed half of what you have been since the extra food poisons the water. Make sure you cahnge 25% of the water every week.

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